Airbnb I stayed at came with a complementary kitty.
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Airbnb I stayed at came with a complementary kitty.
View Reddit by Vessieper – View Source
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A little extra for your money! She looks sweet.
Did the kitty say nice things to you?
i wish 😭😭
Some people don’t like cats. And those people are wrong
Did they at least tell you ahead of time that there would be a cat? Because if not, that could be bad news for people with allergies.
Don’t steal it! I remember hearing a story on the radio a month or so ago where the airbnb tenants loved the cat so much that they just took it home with them.
mine did [to.it](https://to.it) weighed a 100lbs..and when it stepped out on the balcony it made a very loud thud….so i asked he much it weighed and it almost jumped off the balcony…i’ll never ask again
What kind of compliments does it give?
Goodest floofy boy!
I can’t vacation anywhere if it doesn’t smell like a litter box!
Love that. We had a vacation rental in Amsterdam that came with a cat. Was good!
Complementary? Oh… black/white… I guess so?
omg can I rent my house out and have someone watch my dog at the same time? I would love that!!
Owner is like “what cat??”
FUCK!!! Why can’t I find a place like this?! I’ve stayed in numerous Airbnb’s (all good/great experiences), BUT no cat. My luck
Those are always the BEST!
Do you pet it?
Stayed at an AirBNB with two dogs and one cat. The last night I was there I fell asleep with them curled up with me on the bed.
9 out of 5 stars.
There was a AirBNB in Italy that had a cat which I would have been fine with. But the owners also would come every morning and have breakfast and coffee. We did not stay there.
Fuck that I’m so allergic to cats I’ll punt his ass out a window
it doesnt really live there its a squatter
i hope he paid his part
aw. did it try to sleep with you? what a cute cow cat
Kinda awesome. Was she good with new people?
In italy we had a grey cat and named it Tumbled because it rolled on its back whenever you went up to it and it wanted cuddles

Honestly, what kind of people rent out their home and family members like that?
This seems kind of sick…
Cute kitty though.
This khajit has done good
Give that kitty lots of pets 😍
“You look lovely” – Cat
You could say it’s one of the homies.