Why is that even a question? Who the f@#$#k cares what AI thinks about mating? Is this what it’s coming to,asking a machine how should function. No wonder this iteration is about to be gone.Sad just plain Sad.
Personally I liked AI’s answers more, but it still needs human supervising.
Like the story had no sex, passion. And the wood hike – yes she will think you’re going to murder her.
The pick up line was a cop out from her , because she clearly didn’t have to pick up on a guy ever while AI picked the most common and least effective line.
Still, impressive. AI will replace pornstars too, imo.
Why is that even a question? Who the f@#$#k cares what AI thinks about mating? Is this what it’s coming to,asking a machine how should function. No wonder this iteration is about to be gone.Sad just plain Sad.
now ask them both to write a 5 paragraph essay about the catcher in the rye
The pornstar shouldn’t get to decide who’s answer is better.
Why would anyone ask a pornstar about love and dating?
I don’t expect a pornstar to be super smart or anything, but this girl is pretty stupid…
Personally I liked AI’s answers more, but it still needs human supervising.
Like the story had no sex, passion. And the wood hike – yes she will think you’re going to murder her.
The pick up line was a cop out from her , because she clearly didn’t have to pick up on a guy ever while AI picked the most common and least effective line.
Still, impressive. AI will replace pornstars too, imo.
Kid’s stuff
A.I. fucks
I thought I was in the homebrewing subreddit and misread that the contest was to see who knew more about *malting*.
Really handicapping the AI with that voice. Modern text-to-speech is 99% almost indistinguishable from humans.
Unreal Engine. AI. Deep fake porn. VR. That’s the world I want to live in until sex bots arrive.
Definitely not just watching this to get her name.
Such a pointless video, but it uses the term “AI” and has a pornstar, so it’s guaranteed to get views.
You’re welcome.