Remember this the next time you are about to walk out the door and your wife is sitting across the room saying *”Are you forgetting something…. where’s my kiss?”.*
thought i was going to see a guy doing the bathroom spider tango. You know the one…guys taking a piss, suddenly he starts bobbing and weaving while maintaining the stream into the hole, and trying not scream like a girl cuz a big nasty almost dropped on his tip. anyone?
Project High Jump is in full effect!
That is a useless cat
Kitty almost got a Tangy snack.
Bump…Cat! Cat! Cat!
looks more like, “mission accomplished: snoot has been booped”
Remember this the next time you are about to walk out the door and your wife is sitting across the room saying *”Are you forgetting something…. where’s my kiss?”.*
hes fast as fuck Boi. Prolly on his way to tell his buddies he “booped” kitties nose.
thought i was going to see a guy doing the bathroom spider tango. You know the one…guys taking a piss, suddenly he starts bobbing and weaving while maintaining the stream into the hole, and trying not scream like a girl cuz a big nasty almost dropped on his tip. anyone?
what’s that song?
“Mistakes were made.”
“Mission failed, well get em next time”
I’m surprised the cat let it get away.
My cat would have turned it into a quick snack.
Mission failed. We’ll get them next time
He noped tf outta there
Better luck next time
I could almost hear that spider saying “fuck that was close!” to itself
We’ll get him next time
plot twist: the cat just got bit by a radioactive spider