After missing for 6 years I found my memory card for N64 that has all my Gauntlet Legends saves on it including my level 99 red Minotaur. I even have the Yellow Summoner you unlock for beating the game 100%.
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I miss this game
Quick, buy a DexDrive online and copy all your save files to a PC! Save them before the battery dies. There’s only a short time left!
This game was so much fun. I’m going to have to track down a copy.
I remember a place called Disney quest which used to have a floors upon floors of good games one of them was this but upgraded for arcade. I entered a completely random name and it was somebody save file with like a level 60 plus and this is back when Disney quest was using tokens system before it was a flat rate of $45 for seven floors of fucking amazingness right in the middle of a mall, then they put the NBA experience there and now I hear they’re going to scrap it after they already planned on scrapping it then built it and now they’re going to scrap it again
Oh boy this game was GREAT. I wish there was a newer version with updated graphics and minor gameplay improvements.
Epic shit, my dude ✊
Save some puss for the rest of us my guy
Red Minotaur needs food…BADLY!
Man, soo. Much. Fun. I miss it. Seriously why hasn’t Gaunlet had a good remake, like wth. That last gauntlet that came out was dumb. It was totally not complete but also just not right. We need a remake of both N64 version like this year already.
Man I fucking LOVED gauntlet legends on the n64. Such a great game.
Dont forget about Dark Legacy on PS2 for more levels 😀
I remember all the fun codes you could do to get secret characters including the “nude” valkyrie (had a black censor bar).
NUD 069
the best co-op experience. I’m so mad that this franchise hasn’t made it into 2022
Never played this, but Dark Legacy was my shit on Xbox!
show us the yellow summoner!!! fuck I loved this game. Got it as a reward for a surgery in the 4th grade and played the everloving shit out of it on my n64.
Okay it’s settled, I’m getting my emulator back up n running.
Dark Legacy was my JAM.
DUDE I was obsessed with this game. I really liked the colors and level design. Brought back a ton of memories playing the crap out of this on n64 in the basement with buddies. The one on pc was a fun too but is just a different flavor and really brown.. and dark lmao.
One of the best couch co-ops out there.
I want to jump in and play this with you man, such a good game.
Please remake this game! So many good memories!
My brothers, cousin, and I (early/mid-20s) have been getting together to couch co-op Dark Legacy on gamecube. So much nostalgia, such a good time even with grainy 1999 graphics on a 65″ tv
I loooooved gauntlet 64.
“Ah, sustenance”
First time playing this as a kid, Death freaked me out and couldnt figure out how to get rid of him so I ran around in circles screaming my head off.
TIL there are games on N64 that utilized memory cards.
I loved this game. I can only think and type in the announcers voice when commenting.
Food is good!
I like food
Spam running the first level just to sell off your loot and buy xp 😄
Holy shit you are a fucking badass. Me and my friends were always so bad at the secret coin levels. Fuck you Skarn!
Holy shit I forgot about this game… my dad and I used to play it at the arcade ALL the time… and I remember thinking it was so cool you could plug your memory card into the arcade game to use your saved profiles from home!
You can get characters other than the ones in the beginning?!?
Food is good
Memory cards that load into the controller was an insane thing back when it came out. N64 was an amazing machine, wish I could go back to playing Mario 64, Starfox 64, Zelda, and 1080 snowboarding!
I have both this and Dark Legacy for GC. Got them both long after I played them initially so now it’s far less fun doing a dungeon crawler alone.
This was one of the first games I played when I hooked my n64 up again last year.
Kart, goldeneye and this bad boy. Perfect dark won’t play and someone stole konker.
Gauntlet Legends…..damn now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a LONG time
Have you played Dark Legacy? It is Legends, but better!
Easily one of my favorite co-op games from that era, personal favorites were the wizard and jester in Dark Legacy. The rebooted Gauntlet on Steam doesn’t quite capture the fun of the original, unfortunately. I’d like to see a true spiritual successor to this series on PC.
There was a level I could not for the life of me figure out how to progress to the end.
I had a lvl 99 guy and my dad started playing so I helped him through the entire game. Was a really special bonding experience with him.
“Blue wizard needs food badly”
Enter the following when creating a new character
Play as a fire breathing chicken
Loaded right up without a single update. <3.
The thing I remember most is death popping out of chests. It would scare me every time.
“Food is good!”
Oh god i just had the biggest nostalgia boner
Wow I have been trying to remember what this game was so I could refind it! THANK YOU!