After dealing with a stint of really bad depression, I decided that yesterday was the day to treat myself. Been saving for a very long time, and I could not be happier!
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After dealing with a stint of really bad depression, I decided that yesterday was the day to treat myself. Been saving for a very long time, and I could not be happier!
View Reddit by SwivelHips-Smith – View Source
Ayeee! You saved up all that money?! You deserve it!
I bought the Switch OLED at my local Gamestop, and the Series X someone was selling for 550. Came with the console, two controllers (Not pictures is the second one), a couple of CoD games (Not pictured, don’t really play them), and the two games displayed. I sold my older Xbox to recover a little of the loss. (Not really, I totally bought some accessories for both the consoles XD)
Congrats!! Cyberpunk runs smooth on the series x, haven’t play AC Valhalla yet.
Don’t buy anymore Xbox games, get gamepass and just play whatever.
I recommend getting Hades for the switch!
Aint no shit man. My girlfriend is working full time and going to school full time, and bought Elden Ring for us. Shes been in a better mood because I think its given her something to unwind with. People underestimate the positive effects gaming has on people.
Tldr: Treat yoself.
You’re in for a treat with Cyberpunk. So good.
Grats on nabbing a next gen console. Not an easy task.
Hope you feel better, too.
Ahhhh splurging to cure depression. Works for about 3 days
I hope you have nothing short of an awesome afternoon relaxing and enjoying your hard work that certainly paid off.
Congrats! That’s awesome! Enjoy your time with the games and don’t listen to people who are hating on them, they are great! If you ever finish those 2 I’d strongly suggest getting gamepass. It’s amazing, I’ve played so many random games I never would have cause of that one of which is in my top 5 games ever! (Outer Wilds – if you like a good brain teaser)
Especially after patch 1.5 Cyberpunk is amazing on the Series X, great game.. they should have just waited a year to release it.
Enjoy friend. Depression sucks so much, so it’s important to find happiness any way you can.
All the best to you mate!
After being in a mental institution for 2 years, what brought me back to reality was an xbox 360 and gta V, just having something to do everyday and looking forward to it helped me sooo much more than talking to psychologists and taking pills.
8 years have past and I’m somewhere I would’ve never imagined to be and I’m pretty set for life. Live your present with joy and don’t let others opinions take you down. Do what you love to do even if society thinks it is useless or not productive.
Much light and love
Loose yourself and turn those worries off. Congrats
Glad to hear you’re recovering. Enjoy your games
I don’t care what anyone says, Cyberpunk 2077 is amazing! Enjoy!!!
That’s the point of being adult. Getting 2 consoles yeah! Thats motivation for us xd
Treat yo’self!!!! Looks fun. Hope you enjoy it
Cyberpunk 2077 is Fuckin dope! Enjoy the ride. I had so much fun with it I played it all the way through twice back to back
Really Nice, enjoy
Valhalla is an amazing Game. Graphics are stunning, even on my older XBOX One X
Metroid dread and cadence of Hyrule are incredible, play them
I can’t believe people who think video games affect your mental health negatively still exist. I have met more than 100 people who have been positively affected by VG yet some people still deny. props to you my friend.
Hello, Night City!
Valhalla is a great fucking game. Enjoy!
Congratulations friend. Cyberpunk is dope as hell, no matter what the haters say and Valhalla is good fun if you can survive the writing.
Check out Stardew valley. Makes me super happy. Might help with depression. It’ll get better my dude.
If someone insults you for buying ACV and Cyberpunk in the comments.
I will personally punch them in the face.
Enjoy what you like.