Tuesday, March 18All That Matters

Adam Wingard talks about making “The Guest” sequel, “Blair Witch” and “Godzilla vs Kong” in new interview


Adam Wingard talks about making “The Guest” sequel, “Blair Witch” and “Godzilla vs Kong” in new interview


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  • It’s ashame the only movies from this guy I liked were The Guest and Godzilla vs Kong, I don’t even know of I should say that with the last one, because Godzilla vs Kong can really only be enjoyed as a “Turn off your Brain” Monster movie, whereas The Guest is legitimately awesome whether your Brain is on or off. Outside of those two though, everything else he has made sucks (okay I’ve never seen You’re Next so I wouldn’t know if that ones good or not).

    Death Wish was really stupid and cringe, to the point where like Punisher War Zone it almost bordered on Parody rather then adaptation, and Blair Witch was a pointless rehash of the first movie that has no reason to exist besides the creators of the original got bored and wanted to once again make Soft-Reboots look bad and make them look like yhe cowards way out.

  • Another good film from him that’s often passed over since Guest and You’re Next are tighter, more accessible features is A Horrible Way to Die. It’s basically a mumblecore thriller in the vein of Creep. AJ Bowen and Amy Seimetz kill it, and Swanberg is fairly solid.

    I’m sad AJ Bowen still hasn’t really taken off. Thought You’re Next might lead him into other bigger budget thrillers, but it’s possible he prefers the independent scene.

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