Wednesday, March 26All That Matters

Adam Savage’s Tested: A fascinating view at the differences between Thunderbolt and USB C cables using CT imaging


Adam Savage’s Tested: A fascinating view at the differences between Thunderbolt and USB C cables using CT imaging


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  • And then someone that actually reverse engineers circuits and chips opens it up and finds half of the pcb is useless and the other half is just hardware encrypted id to identify the cable as original to the phone so it doesn’t refuse to use it.

  • This is comparing apples to oranges. The Amazon basics cable basically just needs to charge and file transfer. The thunderbolt needs to be capable of more……hints why it’s more complicated.

    To get a more accurate comparison they’d need to at least get USB-C 3.1/3.2 something that’s capable of display. Even better get a cablematters, so another top of the line well known brand USB-C. Thunderbolt is really good, but is the definition of over-engineered.

  • Well, yes, Thunderbolt is different than USB-C. Don’t need a CT scan to tell you that.

    My Thunderbolt cables work great for everything I need them to, and I paid $20 for them, not $150.

  • The CT scans in this are *really* cool. I originally didn’t click on the video because I don’t care about apple stuff, but as an insight into an active cable *in general* it’s quite interesting.

  • Apple is known for locking down their hardware as much as they can. But the EU recently told apple that they need to support USB-C. So I’m willing to bet those active components in the Thunderbolt cable are more about having the apple platform gimp itself (but still technically functioning) on “non-apple” cables than anything to do with quality. A USB cable (or really any digital cable) generally don’t require active components in the actual cable. All of the conditioning, handshaking, etc. can and should be handled on the actual platforms.

  • How about comparing it to like a samsung USB-C cable out of a phone box or something. This is like comparing a corvette to a yugo and being like, yep the yugo is a real piece of shit.

  • I read the comments, there is one thing you are all missing. The show is designed to do exactly what is happening here, get people talking, posting the show .. etc. It is a show to make money, it doesn’t care what it says as long as it makes monnnnneyyyy.

  • I have a 2ft long Thunderbolt cable for an eGPU, its not $12 or $130, but the difficulty of sending that much data 2ft vs 6ft is pretty big, and it would be nice to see that kind of comparison. I was also hoping they showed the results in a data transfer test, because what if that $12 amazon one somehow sent data just fine, it would have made the Apple one look silly.

    This is like looking at cars and saying one is better by just opening the engine bay and pointing at things. Yes one is more complicated, but what does that turn into for performance?

    I wish they did more than just look as some really cheap non-TB cables. I used to struggle to get an HDMI cable that did 4k60hz, now I have a 2 pack of 10ft 4k120hz with 12bit HDR for just 7$. I don’t care what the scan shows, I just care that when I plug it in, it does the job advertised.

  • Lol the apple hate is so fucking strong in here. “Reee they aren’t comparing the Apple cable to another higher end cable reeee”. Yeah no shit Apple is stuff is expensive and over priced for what it is. That’s not the point of this video.

  • As a former Best Buy employee, I drank the Monster Cable/ Audioquest Kool-Aid for years. This was their exact strategy. Wow you with lots of tech, but never show any actual results. Back then, it was all about silver cores & gold-plated connectors.

    The Apple cable costs 10x the basic. Does it result in 10x faster data transfer? or even 2x? Yes or no!? That’s all I care about.

  • They are comparing 2 cables with the same connector but different techologies. Thunderbolt is not USB-C, they just fit in the same port. In fact it’s not even the same plug. This is very common with Adam Savage, but throughout the years he built a large fanbase that is not specialized in the subjects he shows on tv. At the end of the day it’s just a show.

    The heavily studied clickbait thumbnail is total cringe.

  • I watched that WHOLE THING and still have no idea what the performance to price difference is! Yes this one has more circuitry and arent these images cool. So- what is that extra $120 getting you? EH???

  • with ‘return youtube dislike’ extension installed, the youtube video has almost 50-50 thumbs up to down

    the title isn’t just clickbait, it’s incorrect

    this is an Apple TB cable being compared to an Amazon basics usb-c cable

  • The CT scans are cool but holy shit is the Apple shilling in the video annoying.

    “Why is the Apple Cable so expensive?” Because it’s an entirely different cable, in addition to Apple up-charging because Apple customers will spend buckets to have their Apple logo.

    “Wow they didn’t even solder all the contacts/the cable designed to solder to a PCB is soldered to the connector” Yeah, of course they are. They’re using cheap parts to do make the cable do their job well and well enough to meet the standard. Do you really think they’re going to make a custom connector to mass produce these things at an extremely low price?

    “We know how cables all fray at the last inch!” No, those are just the shitty white Apple cables. I’ve had multiple and every single one has failed in the same way. USB-C cables just stop working. Arguably the biggest problems with USB-C are the connectors inside the phones having a much shorter lifespan than the phones themselves. I just had to stop using my Pixel 3A because of this.

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