Abstract performance to celebrate Switzerland’s rail opening
View Reddit by HerculeMuscles – View Source
Abstract performance to celebrate Switzerland’s rail opening
View Reddit by HerculeMuscles – View Source
That was an interesting ride
Switzerland’s rail ways are one hell of a drug.
Sorry guys I might actually be responsible for the this. I asked them to switch it up a bit:
I’m with [**Krusty**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhe3vSe-mmw)
That ended up being more abstract than I thought!
I remember this show they used to telecast from Switzerland where they do games like running, relay and the like in huge wierd costumes and outfits…brought back memories..
Choreography from the great mind of Gina Linetti
Look at the couple dressed in black at the bottom “dancing” at 2:45 lmao
Edit: By the way the comment section of that Youtube video is absolutely bonkers – everyone there believes 100% this is an actual, real life satanic ritual… Holy shit.
That was an insane performance, but not quite as insane as all the nutters in the youtube comments!
Lol the comments on that video are cringe.
Definitely more undergarments and goat costumes than I expected. Not as many trains either.
Check out the comments. What a trip.
What time of year was this performed, mid-summer?
That was the most enjoyable fever dream seizure I’ve ever experienced. Thank you goat satan.
I like it
Thinking of starting a religion centered around the goat man who’s interested?
Pretty sure I just watched this gay theater scene in Euphoria
Damn Switzerland, you couldn’t just find a ribbon and a comically large scissor?
I totally expected Will Ferrel, Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson to make an appearance
Holy shit Midsommar is real?
Someone got paid to make this… and if you gonna get weird, why not go full weird with like simulated blood or like full on nudity or something? Fascinating.
this grew up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UueJK_HGn2o
This is a scene cut from Midsommar
I knew “abstract” was code for “weird”, but this is more WTF than artful. Some elements were cool. I liked how they used the screen with people.
It may not be an actual “pagan” ritual, but it seems modeled after one or more.
For an abstract performance, it’s rather concrete.
That youtube comment section is wild. Full of folks convinced it’s a satanic ritual and that the tunnel will be used to traffic children.
Yall don’t have alot of trains or something?
Here’s the full video
Whoa I thought Switzerland had trains for a while now