Actually jumped on this yesterday myself after owning it for years.
All I can say is so far I’m really enjoying it, it is slow paced but I still find it fun. I’m surprisingly enjoying this more then cyberpunk due to all the dialogue in CP even though there are a few cut scenes in rdr2 but again I find them enjoyable.
Get ready for the most frustrating, time-consuming, poorly designed, even more poorly thought out mechanics ever put in a videogame that *wasn’t* cheap shovelware.
Seriously, the controls and many of the mechanics are total ass.
Only $20 on Steam right now
Omg have fun!!! My favorite game of all time lol
I made it as far as ‘press triangle to hoist the wagon out of the mud’ and tapped out.
Make sure you have tissu box. You will need it from start to finish.
The intro is a little bit of a slog but stick with it, the rewards are fantastic.
Half the playerbase never made it past Act 2. Let’s hope you make it farther than that.
Worth every dollar, it’s slow game because it’s a period piece.
Mess around with ragdolls and cause mayhem. Missions are boring, controls are terrible and gameplay is ass.
Actually jumped on this yesterday myself after owning it for years.
All I can say is so far I’m really enjoying it, it is slow paced but I still find it fun. I’m surprisingly enjoying this more then cyberpunk due to all the dialogue in CP even though there are a few cut scenes in rdr2 but again I find them enjoyable.
Oof. Take breaks
Have fun playing op pretty sure you wont notice the time fly playing rdr2
Say “hi” to the trapper for me. I miss that guy.
Howdy partner 🤠
If you stay on your horse amd not moving for 2 days (in game), the horse starts to get tired and can’t keep its head up.
The pupils dialate at nighttime.
The stars can be seen more clearly outside the cities.
You are in for a wonderful time.
isn’t it early?
Get ready for the most frustrating, time-consuming, poorly designed, even more poorly thought out mechanics ever put in a videogame that *wasn’t* cheap shovelware.
Seriously, the controls and many of the mechanics are total ass.

You lucky mfrrrrr enjoy 🗿
Take. Your. Time
Trust me
A whole new generation of O’Driscoll’s bout ta learn…
Enjoy your time with one of the best games ever!
Have fun partner!
Just go in knowing its a slow burn. A masterpiece and rewarding as hell if you give it the time
I hope you enjoy playing the same mission structure over and over again without any flexibility or player choice!
I wanted to play but someone spoiled it for me, the ending. Feels bad
Alright, Kid Rock…
I’m in the midst of this myself, its alot of things to do