And [here’s a documentary]( about his single-handed, non-stop trip through the Northwest Passage and around Cape Horn – circumnavigating the Americas.
Ok, their story after though is the crazy part. From getting gas from a passing tanker to causally stating at the end of the video that **they were stranded for almost a month** in the ocean themselves
I’m sure it’s probably not uncommon in ocean sailing but it’s nuts to me how casually he mentions getting stuck in the doldrums for 23 days without a motor. I’m pretty sure I would’ve considered myself a dead man walking after day 3 of that.
Way back (1964) when I was a teenager learning to sail offshore, we were taught to *never* abandon your boat for a “life” raft unless you were stepping *up into the raft*. I.e. the boat really is sinking right now.
It is highly unlikely that Wolfhound remains afloat as it was last seen more than nine years ago. I know I know, bubble bursting, but you never know, it might still be floating in the wide Sargasso sea.
Reminds me of the story of the empty sailboat where the speculation was they all went for a swim and the last guy to jump forgot to put the ladder down.
Did they ever find out what happened?
Salvage and “oh look I now own a sailboat”
Ah! The sequel to [Ghost Ship]( is coming.
“Ghost Ship 2: Didn’t need to board, we could scan it from our own ship. It’s safe.”
What does maritime law say about it?
The Wolfhound was [thought to be sunk!](
It’s a legitimate salvage
The guy in the video is Matt Rutherford – he’s a fucking badass in the sailing world.
[Article from a decade ago.](
And [here’s a documentary]( about his single-handed, non-stop trip through the Northwest Passage and around Cape Horn – circumnavigating the Americas.
Ok, their story after though is the crazy part. From getting gas from a passing tanker to causally stating at the end of the video that **they were stranded for almost a month** in the ocean themselves
I’m sure it’s probably not uncommon in ocean sailing but it’s nuts to me how casually he mentions getting stuck in the doldrums for 23 days without a motor. I’m pretty sure I would’ve considered myself a dead man walking after day 3 of that.
For the salvage-curious … a quick search shows Swan 48’s of various ages selling for $350,000 to $1.5M.
Way back (1964) when I was a teenager learning to sail offshore, we were taught to *never* abandon your boat for a “life” raft unless you were stepping *up into the raft*. I.e. the boat really is sinking right now.
So, you’re saying there’s a free boat somewhere?
Dead Calm…
> Im afraid to open door and cabinets.
1 second later opens door.
Watch out for Billy Zane!
This video is totally confusing because it is an excerpt of a video posted in 2016. Here’s the timeline:
* [2013 February]( Wolfhound crew activated their EPIRB due to engine loss and other damages sustained in a storm. They were rescued by a passing freighter. Wolfhound was assumed to have sunk.
* [2013 April]( Wolfhound was spotted 800 miles from Bermuda
* [2013 July 22]( Matt Rutherford’s Ocean Research project finds Wolfhound
* [2016 Greenland Climate Project: Phase 3 video is posted]( – included is the 2013 July 22 boarding of the Wolfhound.
* [2022 December:]( Ocean Research Project publishes the Wolfhound segment of their 2016 released video and we all think “Wow, an lost boat in 2022! cool.”
It is highly unlikely that Wolfhound remains afloat as it was last seen more than nine years ago. I know I know, bubble bursting, but you never know, it might still be floating in the wide Sargasso sea.
Reminds me of the story of the empty sailboat where the speculation was they all went for a swim and the last guy to jump forgot to put the ladder down.