talk about a perfect place to set up a base in a post apocalyptic scenario, diesel generators, broadcast capabilities, just put up a large concrete wall around the facility or corrugated iron all the external windows, fill the roof with planter boxes for fresh produce, rainwater collection and possibly a well dug in the center forecourt…
sector 7-g
Fallout 4
Now all of that can be done with a cellphone.
Uhura, Scotty , mettons le cap sur cette endroi inconnue… Au mépris du danger .
Located in Belgium. Wouldn’t know any other country that labels it’s panels in both Dutch and French.
talk about a perfect place to set up a base in a post apocalyptic scenario, diesel generators, broadcast capabilities, just put up a large concrete wall around the facility or corrugated iron all the external windows, fill the roof with planter boxes for fresh produce, rainwater collection and possibly a well dug in the center forecourt…
Looks like a nuclear sub station .
That was some gorgeous cinematography.
This would make a great science fiction set.