A video about the aggressive advertising on The Rock’s Instagram
View Reddit by DamienDank – View Source
A video about the aggressive advertising on The Rock’s Instagram
View Reddit by DamienDank – View Source
The microphone on the box opening cleaver was wonderful.
should peep his dumb looking shoes he did with under armor that all the UFC fighters are contractually obligated to wear if you haven’t, he’s just another douchebag rich person looking to get as rich as possible at whoever else’s expense
plot twist, this is just another ad
Wow. Covid Long-Hauler syndrome be hitting people different.
The rock is a nice guy but maybe he’s focussing on this success thing too much, cause it’s coming off as he’s turned into a money hungry greedy soulless shill pushing products to his fans which is dishonest and disrespectful to them as people.
Not a cool move Rock, that’s actually a really really shitty thing to do for anyone in a position he’s in. You’re already rich for life, drop the greed.
That’s awesome. You should absolutely send a copy to The Rock. Or even better, Kevin Hart.
I don’t get the moral outrage. The Rock is selling his stuff. People have shown they want para social relationships with the people who sell them stuff – they want to “know” them.
Dwayne Johnson doesn’t know you and he probably cares as much about you as you do Emily Simpson in Walla Walla, Washington or James Davis in Nashville, TN. That is to say, not at all or very little. Like, he’s not being mean or cold, he’s just trying to sell his tequila and energy drink and the way to do that in 2022 is to be constantly engaging with fans while cultivating a happy, accepting, encouraging, and pleasant demeanor.
He’s shilling on his instagram because he’s at work. His job is to sell you tequila and energy drinks. Don’t take it so personally.
Better, why do we need DJ to be “genuine” to us? Why are we offended that what he cares about is selling us stuff instead of pictures of geese in his pool? What’s the proper ratio of “here’s a window into my life” to “here’s my merch”?
Do people really think the rock gives a shit about them, because he smiles at them on the TV screen?
I want this book. How can I buy it?
the rock is getting paid like 20 million a movie and out here shilling tequila and energy drinks…
This is the entire point of instagram. Are there really all these young people out there that think Instagram is a story of someone’s life?
Instagram is basically nothing but ads anyway
Need The Rock to advertise this book next.
The Rock does not sell products. He is the product!
neck to head ratio on this guy tho
That’s a fantastic video. He really should have made it into a real coffee table book though. Big and hardbound.
Ryan Reynolds does the same thing. He’s constantly shilling his aviator alcohol (or whatever it’s called). He even shilled it during his Deadpool 3 announcement. I don’t know how he keeps getting away with it.
lol Shillionaire
It’s like it’s a job…
The guy at the end asks you to like and subscribe, just like any other YouTuber. His posts, just like the Rock’s, are a source of income. No one does this shit for free. It’s all a money making grift. The idea of one guy making a post critiquing another guy’s posts when they’re both doing the exact same god damned thing is the height of irony
Is there some sort of moral dilemma here that im not seeing? Dude owns multiple businesses and advertises them on sites where the main purpose is to advertise.
News flash, social media is about advertising. The social aspect of it is secondary.
His Twitter is nothing but ads as well. One of the reasons why I am not a fan of his, just a constant salesman
Yall forget that the Rock was a pro wrestler? One of the rules of being a wrestler is you don’t do anything for free. If he can find a way to squeeze some money out of any moment, he’ll do it. That’s the game.
damn the book was so professional looking. talented dude. also this really gives me a different perspective on the rock. he sounds like a fake fuck. i remember that old woman. i didnt know he used her to advertise too. even using his dad’s death too. yea people celebrate death anniversaries for remembrance but why use it to shill his drink?
Simple solution: Stop following The Rock on Instagram
the guy is a money machine. really good example.