A Ukranian soldier cheers up children after freeing their city from Russian forces (2014)
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A Ukranian soldier cheers up children after freeing their city from Russian forces (2014)
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Probably the AZOV battalion checking if the people they “liberated” are white
Unfortunately that poor boy may have to do the same thing himself in 2022.
Is OP Victoria Nuland, the dumb bitch causing strife going on a decade?
[Here](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/ukrainian-soldier-gestures-as-he-talks-with-children-on-news-photo/453777150?adppopup=true) is the source of this image. Per there:
> A Ukrainian soldier gestures as he talks with children on August 18, 2014 in the small easter city of Popasna, Lugansk region, recently freed by Ukrainian forces from pro-Russia militants. Kiev accused pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine of killing “many” civilians trying to leave a conflict-torn area by shelling them with equipment provided by Moscow. “Militants shot at a convoy of civilians trying to flee the conflict area not far from Lugansk… using Grad rocket launchers and mortar guns given by Russia,” said security spokesman Andriy Lysenko. “Many people died, including women and children.” AFP PHOTO/ ANATOLII STEPANOV (Photo credit should read ANATOLII STEPANOV/AFP via Getty Images)