A photo from 50 years ago posted to r/estoration. Restored, Reframed, Enhanced and Colorized by Me.
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A photo from 50 years ago posted to r/estoration. Restored, Reframed, Enhanced and Colorized by Me.
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**EDIT: THANK YOU SO MUCH for the overwhelming response. I have received tons and tons of messages from so many of you asking for a commission. I do not take commissions at the moment but when I have the free time I might pick up a photo or two to work on.**
**So instead of asking me if I can work on it, maybe send me the pictures. If something interests me, I will work on it next.**
**And if I do work on it, it’ll be free of charge.**
The result of a request posted by a user on r/estoration a couple of days ago. I took a few minor creative liberties here and there in spaces where I could not figure out the exact details of the original or in areas where I could not find a 100% replacement HQ part for it .. or in some cases where I just felt minor changes enhanced the result but did not deviate much from the original.
Hope you all like it. 🙂
Amazing! Kudos to you, OP
Outstanding work, well done!
I have no idea how you do that, but it is so impressive. Awesome job.
Fantastic! Thanks for going over the process too, it’s fascinating. How long do you think this took you to complete?
The black and white original photo makes this look way older than 1972, it looks twice that age
One of the best I’ve seen. Great job!
Very talented
Her facial expression looks different. What happened to her lips?
what the actual fuck like how
How did you add the sharpness? I’ve never seen anything like it?
Wow. What is your price? And do you do landscape photos?
Brilliant restoration work but what’s most interesting to me is how changing the subtleties in her appearance has changed her expression completely. The pursed lips on the left photo is like she’s about to burst out laughing, the right is a smirk.
To be honest, the more you look at it, the more it feels like uncanny valley.
Here are a few of the reasons for that feeling:
– the sweater pattern is mechanical and all aligned, which wouldn’t be the case on a real sweater
– the sweater and shirt both feel composited in, and the shirt is both in and out of focus
– focus drifts and disagrees at different points: for example, her ear (and neck) is out of focus but the hair in front of and behind her ear are both in focus
– the coloration of her face is splotchy and transitions abruptly from olive to rosy and back again
Obviously, really well done! However, it feels like you have removed quite a few natural imperfections that take away some character from the person, and just make the photo more photoshopped. One is what I believe is a mol by the eyebrow, and another by the lower lip. The mouth does look like it changed quite a bit as well. Might be some other things that you could bring back, but good job overall.
The lady in the picture on the left seems to be in her mid to late twenties, while the skin texture on the right I would say is that of a teenager. Too smooth, baby-like.
Wow what an amazing reconstruction! You have a real skill and eye for it.
Pedantic side on me wants to emphasize this is a reconstruction as you are taking quite a lot of artistic freedom and using materials that do not strictly speaking belong to the original picture.
Mindblowing result whichever it is called though!
Since everyone here is doing nothing but praising you, imma offer some criticisms:
1. The sweater looks flat and the pattern used is incorrect. Feels like a texture on early 2000s game where polygons were more scarce than water is on moon. Similar problem with the shirt.
2. The hair looks unnatural and a bit out of place.
3. It feels too sharp.
4. Her smile is gone.
5. The lines on her neck look different and again a bit unnatural.
I’m sure you put a lot of work into this, it looks nice, I just wouldn’t call this a restoration, more like a recreation. Overall the effect is just a bit jarring.
These are becoming less and less like restorations and more and more like imagined people who never existed
For example the mole/spot on her eyebrow and lip. Gone. Her forehead smooth as a babies, the entire skin is flawless. So obviously painted on.
She looks far too good and young, you have her plastic surgery. It isn’t true to form.
Super Impressive, but I’m definitely getting a bit of that “Uncanny Valley” vibe.
Seems to me like you removed some of the cheekyness
Here goes and I know I’m going to get at least 100 downvotes and this is only my opinion as most people on here love it but I have to say I don’t like what you have done. It doesn’t look like the original person. She looks very pale you have tanned her, her hair is messy you have styled her, her lips are thinner and crooked you have plumped them, you have made her head bigger and plumper to suit her neck, you have messed around with her right eye and cheek, chin is different.
Its nice work but its not her. If that was my relative I’d not want it. I admire the skill and work involved but theres too much creative licence for me.
She has SmoothFace syndrome. Looks like a painting.
The face looks accurate but the makeup has been updated.
The woman in the original was wearing darker lipstick, as was the fashion then.
Also, the woman has a fairer complexion in the original photo and a darker complexion in the new one.
If I can add a touch of constructive criticism. The shadows on the chin are distracting. You made them a touch darker and then added a dark spot in the background that isn’t there as well and when I look at this my eye keeps getting stuck there. Almost like she has a beard. It’s crazy awesome what you’ve done though.
amazing work! well done
I think that this is a really cool photo! It’s amazing how much restoration, enhancement, and colorization can change the look and feel of a photo. I’m really impressed by the work that was done on this photo and I think that it looks great!
How does color restoration work? Like how do determine that a sweater is green from a black and white photo?
OP, you wouldn’t happen to have a tutorial explaining your process so that we can learn your black magic? That would be great.
Oh and btw an absolutely stunning job! Bravo!
Brilliantly done!
Wow!! You killed it!!
how do you know what colours to use? is it an educated guess?
That’s pretty cool. I always wonder, how do you know the color of the clothes? Like, I get that you can take a stab in the dark and assume dark hair and eyes, but her sweater is green. How did you determine that?
This is CRAZY good.
Today I learn that people back then weren’t as ugly as the low quality black and white colors made them seem to be.
I’d bet she would have appreciated you removing the mole on the edge of her lip and on the inside of her left eyebrow though she will most likely next ask for a Blepharoplasty.
Amazingly done.
Wow this is why content creators should avoid comments. I’ve done some photo restos myself and this is absolutely one of the best I’ve ever seen. Not sure why people need to make themselves so wildly involved with their visual acuity
That’s amazing if it’s real, and I don’t have any reason to doubt that it is. Impressive!
Great, wicked talent!
This is the best restoration I’ve ever seen, so much so that I think it might be a lie.