A pair of eagles interlocked. Been after this shot for years
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A pair of eagles interlocked. Been after this shot for years
View Reddit by rajmon503 – View Source
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Fantastic image , thank you for sharing.
“You’re upside down!”
“No, you are the one who’s upside down!”
That’s a heck of a shot. Is this a shop or an actual event?
I’ve seen this a couple times, but never had a camera handy. Awesome!!
If you turn the pictures sideways it looks like they’re swing dancing.
When your snuggling on the couch with your bae and you tell them that you need to get up to go to the bathroom…
Later one will argue that they saw a negative 4g dive (while being inverted) in class and another eagle will naturally call bullshit on the whole thing.
“Goddamn it, Gary, this the last time I’m flying you home after too much fermented fish!”
Top eagle: **BRO!!**
Bottom eagle: ^(Bro…)

*Long live the KING*
Every time we touch I get this feeling!!
It’s romantic in a wild weird way.
Beautiful shot!
I was born and raised in Alaska and have only seen them do this once; near the Anchor River.
– Well, If you were directly below him, how could you see him?
– Because I was inverted.
The double eagle is the rarest of birds!
Looks like a 4g inverted dive, if I’ve ever seen one!
[Of all courtship rituals in the animal kingdom, the most spectacular, by far, is that of the bald eagle. The male and female climb to dizzying heights, and then…join in free fall, plummeting toward earth, locked in each other’s embrace, separating only at the very last moment.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=we0bSCL19rU&ab_channel=XTsReaper)
That’s some double eagle goodness right there.
Figure skating for birds
Interlinked. Eagles interlinked. Interlinked
this is insane. well done! like a trippy Rorschach test too
This begs for a r/divorcedbirds post
“On the wings of love! Only the two of us, together flying high, flying high up on the wings of love”
Y’all out there playing IRL Pokemon Snap. Can only imagine what Oak would have to say about this.
They’re in the mile high club now
Top one is definitely screaming “LET GO YOU STUPID FUCK”
I once did a painting of this phenomenon at like 12 so it’s quite a cool thing to happen for a 12 year old to think so as well
It’s that scene from Top Gun. Edit: With the flipped bird and everything.
Wildlife documentary narrator: this is an example of a broadly misunderstood mating ritual. In reality, these magnificent creatures are actually brother and sister locked in a “No, you let go first” embrace.
Source: Mom of two stubborn ass former teenagers.
All jokes aside, OP, a stunning shot. You have every right to be proud!
He made love like an eagle falling out of the sky
Killed his sensei in a duel and he never says why.
Washington. Washington.
I saw an eagle catch a crow midair once like this. Absolutely the wildest thing I’ve ever seen. Just as the crow was about to hit the eagle the eagle rolled and snatched em out of the air above him. I didn’t even know that was possible… guess the crow didn’t either.
Edit for clarity: the crow was divebombing the eagle
The thumbnail looks like the Americas
It’s amazing that you got that shot. Thank you for sharing it with us!
I live in south east alaska. I see eagles all day every day. But I still haven’t fucking seen this happen haha. Good shot!
makes love like an eagle falling out of the sky, killed his sensei in a duel and he never said why.
Some say thery are still interlocked to this very day
This is wild. I want to know what the eagle on top is screaming. I’m going to imagine “leeeeerooooooooooy jenkins”.
How do you even get a shot like that? How long did it take? What lens? Amazing image btw.
“Because we were inverted. it was one and a half meters I think. I’ve got a great Polaroid of it…”
Amazing shot. Thanks for sharing. You should submit to Nat Geo annual year in pictures.
Hi all. I am so overwhelmed by all the wonderful comments. I usually try to answer everyone, but I literally can’t. So, blanket “Thank you all soooooo much”. 
I saw this happen in Skagway over the flats in Dyea. Two eagles were locked on, fighting over a fish. They battled in free fall and pulled away at the last minute. Like a badass game of chicken. I’ll never forget it.