Monday, February 3All That Matters

A normal video of cute dogs


  • I watched this and now I know that the key is the gate and the gate is the key. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog Sothoth. He knows where the Old Ones broke through and will break through and have broken through. He knows where they trod Earth’s fields and where they still tread them, and why no one can behold them. What is will be and what will be is what was and he is the Gate to places not of the spaces that we know but the spaces between them and the primal dawn places of reality where the Lurker waits y’ai ng’ngha yog sothoth h’ee l’geb f’ai ia ia ia ia yog sothoth ia!

  • In a few years as the technology improves the tell tale signs of AI will start to dissappear. You won’t be able to tell that it’s generated. You’ll be able to produce an endless stream of generated content targeted towards whatever demographic you choose. The content will change and morph and the AI will know what works and what doesn’t. It will strive to attract as many viewers as possible. The truly terrifying thing is that to watch it will give the viewer an instant emotional response so strong that it will be impossible to ignore.

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