A normal food receipt in Australia. No tipping culture, no fees, fair wages, tax included in price.
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A normal food receipt in Australia. No tipping culture, no fees, fair wages, tax included in price.
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That came with fries…right?
For the Americans, that translates to just under 10 bucks. (Unless this price is in US$)

Australian minimum wage is $23.23, so this is a little over half an hour of work.
Pretty good for [burger, fries, and a drink](https://imgur.com/a/Oj4vNlK)
The average salary for a paramedic in Australia is about $88,000 per year. A paramedic could eat this meal every day, and it would be <6% of his annual salary. The average salary for a paramedic in the USA is about $40,000 per year. The equivalent burger meal in the USA would need to cost $6.50. I think a comparable In-N-Out meal is $7.75 without tip or tax.
friendly reminder that in n out exists and kicks ass and you can get a burger fries and a drink for about 6 bucks lol
This looks the exact same as any fast food receipt in the US lol
Tipping culture is a disease in America
Is the place called “Barnacle Bill” or is the bill a type of barnacle
Barnacle Bill’s appears to be “Australian Long John Silver’s”
Yes, I’m old.. It’s been year’s since I’ve seen an actual LJS. It just has that feel for me.
Yeah and this receipt would hardly look different in the US or Europe for a fast food establishment. There’s no tip requests, or separated taxes there either dolt.
I always wonder if people that post stuff like this have literally ever been to the US.
This is also what our fast food receipts look like. The tax is also included in the price as a line item—just like it is here.
Oh yeah? But we have aircraft carriers, and also landed to the moon, we have freedom, guns and Jesus was ‘murican… /s
The “Bonanza” descriptor reminds me of the Kyle Kinane joke about getting Gout from eating too many menu items with the word “rodeo” in it.
Aww bunkie, this isn’t what you thought it was
But does it come with fries? Lol
Bro went to Barnacle Boy’s restaurant to get a Barnacle Bill

In US dollars, based on today’s exchange rate, this meal is $9.37
Is that just for a sandwich?
Cool, I’m glad your receipt give you comfort in these hard times.
You went to a seafood restaurant for a chicken sandwich?
Well today I learned that Barnacle Bill’s still exists in two states. So that’s something.
But I don’t think 15 bucks for lunch is a good deal… Shit’s expensive. I suppose even Maccas costs that much these days. It’s $12.45 for a medium McChicken meal, sad times.
Which countries are you expected to tip at fast food? None I have ever been to. Or does BB’s in SA serve you at a table?
How was the chicken burger? We had a nearby store but never ate there once because it was too expensive for my dad. Local fish and chip shop for us.
So about the same as the states after all that is added
You mean waiters/waitresses get paid a livable wage there and the burden of their wages aren’t thrown onto the customer?
Listen your beautiful women , fair wages , universal healthcare and strict gun control is something we can’t handle right now.
I paid $33 at chipotle for two bowls with guacamole and double chicken and was asked to tip.
$15 for a burger? More than a burger and a tip would ever cost
That “tax invoice” is suspiciously missing an ABN or ACN, making me very skeptical.
Is this fabricated? It’s certainly not “normal”.
Edit: OP indicates it’s been altered to remove necessary details for it to be a valid receipt in Australia.
You know youre on a very US-centric platform when a regular receipt gets this many likes lmao
Chicken ain’t a burger, it’s a sandwich.
$1.29 tip for the Govt
That’s almost $15 for a chicken sandwich , fries and a can of soda. Are you saying that isn’t expensive because it seems pretty expensive to me….
This is just as expensive , if not more expensive than the examples people post in the US of absurd fees and such.
No good tipped employee is pushing for higher wages if it involves getting rid of tipping. The only tipped employees you here complaining about their wage is the employees that shouldn’t be working for tips because they suck at their job.
I can not believe Barnacle Bill still exists. I remember their tv ads from the 80s, the song was excellent. “At Barnacle Bill you can really get your fill, cos all the finest seafood is waiting there for you!”
Barney’s for lunch.
A man of culture I see.
And it costs just as much as it would after tip in US bc it’s expensive af here.
Source: American in Oz
uhh.. Americans don’t tip at fast food places either? Looks like a normal receipt to me
Also for any Americans seeing this, note the correct date format … day/month/year
No tipping culture, yet you eat with spiders the size of house cats. Fair wages, because you work around spiders the size of house cats, tax included in price because you have spiders the size of house cats.
Same in Switzerland and most of the world. You pay the price you see listed.
I still don’t get why in the US they don’t put the tax. The fact that the tax changes depending on the State and the product it’s one more reason to include them in the displayed price.