This is the game I was playing when I upgraded from my college 20 inch box tv to my first flatscreen, 50″ plasma, 720pi. Those leaps of faith made my stomach drop. I don’t think any other technological leap has felt so personally magical.
I really wish they remaster AC 1, it could really benefit from improved texutres and improved render distance. Its weird how they decided to remaster AC 3 for some reason, but not this one.
Which AC is this?
This and Odyssey are the only one I’ve ever completed. Somehow, I wasn’t really motivated to play all the other parts.
I remember playing this the first time back in 2009 or something.
it blew my mind back then.
This is the game I was playing when I upgraded from my college 20 inch box tv to my first flatscreen, 50″ plasma, 720pi. Those leaps of faith made my stomach drop. I don’t think any other technological leap has felt so personally magical.
Is this Witcher 3
One of the better AC.
I really wish they remaster AC 1, it could really benefit from improved texutres and improved render distance. Its weird how they decided to remaster AC 3 for some reason, but not this one.
As a kid, I felt like I had total freedom while playing it. I would climb stuff over and over again… Good times!
A city with more than 10 buildings. It gets better until Unity and then social distancing takes over in AC.