View Reddit by GeraltofRivea3 – View Source
View Reddit by GeraltofRivea3 – View Source
I think I’ll let it mature for a year….
Damn, finally! FOV sliders for both console and PC? About time. Can’t wait to try it out.
That’s it? 3 things?
At what point do you see the cool planets and stuff? I’m just walking around a boring facility to get my citizenship or whatever and everyone is just droning on pointlessly with boring ass dialogue.
What about a freaking map? Can I have a local map so that I don’t have to guess where the fuck I’m going?
Look at this feature that should have been there from the start
Next gen tech has finally arrived
They really need to fix the plethora of bugs regarding stolen ships
Wait, it don’t have them to begin with?
The fact a FOV slider had to be added post launch pretty much sums this game up for me.
Now I only need dlss and hdr
These patch notes so far have been an embarrassment.
Whose even still playing this?
It’s absolutely fucking hilarious that this didn’t come with yano, a full-priced game made by a AAA company. I’m so glad I didn’t buy it.
60 fps mode on consoles please
Let me know when they fix outposts…
FoV support was already in the game, it was just hidden in the config files.
It basically took them this long just to make a UI change (add a menu option).
FOV is nice but please give me 32:9. Argh.
Honestly the FOV on consoles was fine for me. But appreciated none the less, I hate when games don’t have it by default.
I wish C2077 (on console) would add an fov slider. That shit makes me sick to play on console.
Edit: had to add the part about console in the beginning because people were commenting that it does, before even getting to the end of my comment
Wow, BGS outdid themselves. A FOV slider.
Unfortunately that doesn’t make the game good.
Amazing game gets even better tbh. Some nice quality of life additions.
TB would have hated this game.
Big freaking whoop, an FOV slider. This game has SO MANY missing basic features and this is all they fixed in this update. Bethesda is a joke.
You will be able to see the fast travel menu much better now.
16 times the FOV?