A man is trapped on a spaceship after his robot overseer fail to find a planet to the specified parameters it was given.
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A man is trapped on a spaceship after his robot overseer fail to find a planet to the specified parameters it was given.
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Well worth the watch, very cool!
Great on many levels.
Wow. That was really cool. Bleak.
What language was this? It sounded Germanic and Slovic at the same time to me.
That dub is awful.
Omeleto has some really cool movies with very deep stories.
Super cool but also incredibly depressing
That was great.
I remember watching it years ago after seeing it on my YouTube home page. Extremely long, extremely repetitive and an ending that tries to seem deep but has no meaning or sense whatsoever.
Great. Now I want an omelette
The synopsis sounds like the last part of Deaths End for the Three Body Problem.
Saw this on Dust, the youtube channel last year. Good one. I liked ftl too
I really enjoyed this but don’t quite understand the reasoning or ‘programming’ behind the robot.
Why would it create fake robothumans to take them on a horrible trip through the galaxy, only to drop them off on Earth and repeat the cycle?
Who would have programmed it to do that? And why? Why would it even allow the ‘person’ to leave for earth at the end? Whats the purpose in slowly repopulating earth with invincible robot grandpas? Or any ‘perfect’ planet if there ever was one?
I might have missed something or do not have the brainpower to think of anything rn, but it seems a weirdly pointless endeavour at the end?
Am I going mad or have I seen this in english before? With a better frame rate?
The best thing I have seen this year. What a treat. Loved the robot.
Thank you.