A lot of people skipped this due to Playstation 5 Console shortages. Kind reminder of this masterpiece.
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A lot of people skipped this due to Playstation 5 Console shortages. Kind reminder of this masterpiece.
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not including a suspend run option at launch was also a huge oversight. with that feature added its a much better experience.
Definitely a 10/10. Remarkable start to the Sony chapter by these devs
Adding multiplayer was awesome. What a fantastic title, like a bullet hell Doom x Metroid.
I wanted to love this game, the gameplay was fun, but going allllllllllll the way back to the beginning when you die pissed me off way too much.
Once I beat this game I uninstalled it lmao amazing game but it pissed me off on levels I didn’t know existed
Nah I don’t know about masterpiece, pretty average imo.
And it runs so well on PC! What a good game.
Just got it on pc! Haven’t played too much but the ps5 controller has been fun to try out and the gameplay feels right up my alley
Yeah this was a good one
It’s a very cool game but I learned I didn’t like bullethell games with this one. Thought what I saw was very interesting I’m just not good enough at the genre to enjoy it enough to go through the story.
Returnal is the best experience I have had on ps5, thus far.
I skipped this because of my skill shortage. Was getting wrecked…
I havent skipped it i jist havent gotten to it yet
It’s fantastic
Recently beat it on pc. Loved it. Just wish it was longer and harder
Returnal is probably the best ps5 game I’ve played. My friend and I haven’t done co-op yet but am really looking forward to it when it’s convenient.
It’s by far my favorite game of the generation and my personal 2021 GOTY but I don’t think that’s the reason people skipped it, currently it’s on PS+ Extra, PS5 shortage is gone, it launched on PC and yet people on both platforms are still ignoring it, so I believe it’s a combination of several factors:
– Marketing for this game is pretty much non-existent.
– It released a month before Ratchet and Clank which was heavily advertised by Sony.
– The game is hard af and extremely inaccessible.
– At launch you couldn’t even pause or suspend the game and it had issues with rest mode on PS5.
– Shortly after launch they released a game breaking update which completely wiped out your save file.
– Even though I loved it I have to admit it’s a very frustrating experience, it’s extremely hard to actually make some progress and the story is not rewarding at all.
TL;DR: Even though it’s a great game it definitely isn’t for everyone.
I tried but the 1 st boss killed me and seems cant find the way back to the boss so I quit and dont know what to do 🤷♂️
‘Masterpiece’. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
It’s a solid 7/10 imo.
Best ps5 game for sure! No loading times which surprised me and I love roguelikes it was great! I died so many times lol
We’re throwing the term “masterpiece” around waaaay too much
I’m playing it right now and I find it very ‘meh’.
I play more Roguelites (and/or Roguelikes) than any other game genre. But that may very easily be skewed by the fact that a Roguelite takes way longer to beat than a normal game.
This is just not a very good game and I keep thinking of quitting it forever. The only reason I haven’t is I don’t have much else to play. They needed to make the runs shorter, or somehow let you regularly accomplish progress. Between your 3-4 hour runs where you die and realize nothing was accomplished at all.
That quickly becomes boring work. And I don’t enjoy boring work as much as some people seem to.
Game is amazing.
Ok game. Story is a mess and i was really disapointed with it (story not a whole game)
Returnal is a good game that I didn’t enjoy playing. I just can’t get down with rogue-likes, they’re annoying.
It has so many things I love.
Fluid gameplay from running, jumping, landing to shooting. All of it is slick as hell.
Cool atmosphere and concept. The loop roguel. theme mixed with sc-fi horror style is chef’s kiss.
Great protagonist. Selene is not an eyecandy, or a badass, nor does she has to be. Love her.
Story I cannot comment, starts okay, but I haven’t finished the game because…
Difficulty is a toughy here. I know it is hard because reasons, and I know how you make it easier bit by bit as you go. But still, getting wrecked by let’s say the boss in the third diome just to go back and gear up again with nothing to show for it hits fu’ken hard.
I could handle the game, it’s my time that I feel like I am wasting with not a lot of progress happening in a one-two hour session.
Never managed to get past the third biome. Way too repetitive. Excellent combat though.
Overpriced AF I’ll get it when it’s 20€ max.
In a world where Enter the Gungeon and Risk of Rain 2 exists, Returnal is meh. Even the Prey DLC in the moon feels better to me.
Absolutely loved this game, didn’t mind the difficulty after platinuming all the souls series/bloodborne, sekiro/isaac/R-type. Gameplay was awesome although the story was obtuse at times, but an amazing experience and one that let the PS5 shine.
I’m old (35) Its so frustrating, I couldn’t move on to the next level or whatever. I just die and restart. Uninstalled it lol
It’s too hard to be a masterpiece
Not my type of game, so my interest is pretty much zero.
One of the ugliest protagonists of all time.
Was not a fan of it, felt really generic
Looks fun but the price tag made me pass. If it ever hits 20$ I will get it.
Masterpiece. Lol good one. It’s just a prettier version of Recore with crappy tacked on Rogue Lite elements 😂
I’m glad you like it but it’s far from a masterpiece. That word gets thrown around a little too much.
One of the best roguelikes ever made.
I’m a complete idiot so I got bored and annoyed about 10 minutes in and deleted.
I had a great experience playing Returnal on PS5 shortly after release, though it was quite buggy at first before a few patches. Loved the aggressive, fluid gameplay. Loved the sound design and music. The vibrant colors and the thick atmosphere. And I did also love the vague but compelling story. It’s not for everyone, but if you can accept filling in blanks on your own I think it’s an emotionally gripping one. Also loved the fantastic DLC. 9/10 from me, probably one of my personal most memorable games of 2021. Currently replaying on PC, dying a lot less frequently this time. Gameplay is like riding a bike.
Only problem I had was that it was way too short.
Finished it in like 15 hours.
It’s the best game this gen by far
Its ok.