A deeper insight into the quotes “If You Stand for Nothing You’ll Fall for Anything” – Food for thought
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A deeper insight into the quotes “If You Stand for Nothing You’ll Fall for Anything” – Food for thought
View Reddit by XMatsinoX – View Source
This video gives off live, laugh, love energy
I agree with much of this. But it’s tiring after a while because there just aren’t that many people who are willing to stand for something.
once knew a girl who got this phrase tattooed across her chest. except she shortened it to ***Stand for nothing, fall for anything***, which turned it into basically the opposite sentiment
I have to disagree with the point that Winston Churchill statement made. Having enemies doesn’t necessarily mean that you personally stand for anything, people can hate you just for existing because of what you represent to them. If your smarter, more attractive or more successful than them (or hell even have an immutable feature such as race/gender/sexuality/ etc) they can resent you for those things and wish to see you fail. They’ll pull you down whenever they get the chance and its not because of anything you expressly believe or stand for just the sheer desire they have to see you fail to prop themselves up.
Video is weak sauce.
I think it is more righteous, courageous and shows more character if you can disagree with someone and NOT make them your enemy.
If I know anything it is that I know nothing -Socrates
imagine thinking a good argument is “this quote has been around a while therefor it must have meaning”
Whole video is just a bunch of meaningless nonsense
i love it
Understanding what gives man his true heart.
why record yourself in stereo like this? It’s maddening with headphones.
How ironic that a video promoting the benefits of being genuine would feel the need to slow the speed of their narration