A day at the beach, Summer of ‘83- I can smell the Hawaiian Tropic suntan oil from here!
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A day at the beach, Summer of ‘83- I can smell the Hawaiian Tropic suntan oil from here!
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Kristy McNichol vibes on the left. Had a huge crush on her.
That swimsuit in the middle looks familiar to me 🥹
My parents were worry-warts, they made us wear that SPF 5 suntan oil.
like an oily piña colada.
still smell the sunscreen and feel the sand between my toes. Good vibes, endless laughter, and a big wave high-five to those who appreciate the beauty of mother nature!
We are sexy, we are free, we’re the class of ’83!
I can hear the Aldo Nova cassette
Coco butter
and those are probably 19 year olds who look 33
If I walk into a bakery and smell warm coconut oil, I am immediately transported back to an era of working construction in the winter, waiting tables in the summer, and spending as much time as possible in the company of lovelies like this.
Back then their big hair protected most of their bodies from sunburn.
Oh I miss the smell of coconuts on a beautiful girl
And the musky scent of the unshorn beaver

I love the smell off Hawaiian Tropic suntan oil. 
Sunscreen? U mean baby oil and iodine ?