A cake made for my 3 year old’s teacher. My wife wants to know if she’s a bad person.
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A cake made for my 3 year old’s teacher. My wife wants to know if she’s a bad person.
View Reddit by GladCricket – View Source
Introducing… The red dick with a green acne!
Move the apple and you’re good ?
She tried
At first I didn’t see it,…. then I did , DOH!
A little context, my wife didn’t make this cake. She brought the cake ordered by the school mom’s to the school. The picture was taken from the teacher’s desk. Ain’t no changing it now. My wife just sent me this asking if it was obvious or if she’s just a horrible person.
She’s not a bad person for putting a penis on a cake, no.
She should have put the blue crayon under the apple… a blue dick would have been much cooler.
What does a 3 year old even teach..
How do you like THEM apples?
Apples are red and crayons are blue. I put them together and made a DICK CAKE for you. Now look at me while you eat it.
1 dick 2 dick red dick blue dick
No. They’ll have a good laugh about it in the teacher’s lounge.
That’s a dick
Depends. Is she hinting at a threesome?
As a teacher I can say I’m sure the recipient laughed her ass off and appreciated the gesture very much. 😬
Your wife is a classy broad.
Happy Cake Day!
Terrance and Phillip want their dicks back
you could try to carefully peel off the pencils and the apple and replace the red one with the blue one
Better get that chancre checked out, stat.
Does your wife not think the teacher knows where three-year olds come from already?