A brand new fresh out of the box PlayStation 3 about to fulfill its destiny 17yrs on. What games should I get?
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A brand new fresh out of the box PlayStation 3 about to fulfill its destiny 17yrs on. What games should I get?
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Red dead redemption!
Fallout: New Vegas.
The Last of Us + DLC
all of them. don’t update firmware. if you had to do it the legal way i would say Demons Souls, Tokyo Jungle, Critter Crunch, Another Century Episode R, there is one other action game i can’t remember the name of that was exclusive (character action against huge battleships and robots and soldiers and stuff)
Infamous 1&2 games I got with my ps3 when I first got it n never forgot about since
Metal gear solid 4: guns of the patriots
[PROTOTYPE]. Both games are just great in their own right, and they came out about the same time as InFAMOUS did. There are some overlaps but I personally think [Prototype] is the better game.
Max Payne 3
Infamous 1&2 are must plays for PS3.
God of war
Little Big Plant, Mod Nation Racers, Mirrors Edge, Uncharted
Saw the post earlier that the PS3 is now older than the SNES was when the PS3 released – when did I get this old?
Demon’s Souls.
I just sugest you to replace the thermal paste and maybe the hard drive to a SSD, this won’t give you fps but will probably help with thermals (quite a killer of this model).
Besides what people already sugested, try the Metal Gear HD collection
Skate 2 is an all time great. I liked it better than Skate 3, but if you have to do some science and try both, then you’ll just have to get both.
How did you get one brand new???
Yakuza 3,4, & Dead souls
Remember Me
Enslaved Odyssey west
Majin forsaken kingdom
Binary Domain
Bionic commando
Infamous 1&2
17 years… WTF i’m about to get panic attack
Shadow of the colossus
Resistance, oblivion, heavy rain
Infamous 1&2 100%
Playstation home
Burnout paradise
Haze, Lair and Legendary the Box!