A beggar running alongside King George V’s coach in 1920. The beggar appears to be a war veteran by the metals he’s wearing. It’s not clear if any of them tossed him a coin.
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A beggar running alongside King George V’s coach in 1920. The beggar appears to be a war veteran by the metals he’s wearing. It’s not clear if any of them tossed him a coin.
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Royal class vs Common class.
I hope they did…that guy could have been their Witcher. You always toss a coin to your Witcher!
“Pardon me, would you have any Grey Poupon?”
Looks like they are doing a great job of ignoring him…
Lol old school cool
He probably preferred vets that didn’t get shot..
Buddy can you spare a dime?
It’s a miracle more people didn’t get assassinated back in those days
Look at this chap here, vigorous specimen, showing off his running ability. Surely he lacks for nothing
Even though they would taste fucking disgusting, we should *probably* still eat the rich.
Scum bag English royalty.
When the rich wage war, it’s the poor who die
Much like today, pretty real.
You think any noble person has touched a coin in centuries?
These folks are not the type to be carrying coins.
Those hats look so stupid how was that ever a thing?
“Sorry, we have no spare change, just jewels and shit…”
Toss a coin for your beggar, o valley of plenty
Is this description of the photo real? Because I don’t know how anyone can tell what type of medals that man is wearing…Or maybe I just hope it’s not real because it’s too heart breaking otherwise. 🙁
I’d like to chat about your carriage’ extended warranty!
War vets were treated abysmally in post WWI Britain (and US, and WWII, and Vietnam war, and Korean War, etc etc etc)
“Throw me a goddamn coin you sir topemhat lookin mfr”
Metals? Like zinc or copper?
Stay in school, kids!
The era of hats.
More like r/OldSchoolDoucheBags
nothing cool about that
There they are, the cabal hard at work. Leeches.
Ugh, poor people! Amirite?!
So much in one photo.
What if the carriage is moving at top speed and that’s just a skinwalker (I’m joking don’t hurt me)
Narrator : they didn’t.
‘Thanks for your service!, now hurry up and die’
You know they have him nothing, probably had him beaten…