An old school friend of mines cousin was a stunt double for Charles in bride of Chucky. September 13, 2022 at 8:20 pm Reply
One of the few movies that terrified me as an ‘80s kid (b.’82). Just seeing the movie poster for the sequel at my local theater horrified me. I still remember its tag line: “Sorry Jack, Chuckie’s Back.” September 13, 2022 at 10:29 pm Reply
An old school friend of mines cousin was a stunt double for Charles in bride of Chucky.
One of the few movies that terrified me as an ‘80s kid (b.’82). Just seeing the movie poster for the sequel at my local theater horrified me. I still remember its tag line: “Sorry Jack, Chuckie’s Back.”
Very wooden acting, but the puppet did a decent job.
Massive forehead