Still one of the most intense, sweaty-ass-inducing but exciting missions in video game history!
Still one of the most intense, sweaty-ass-inducing but exciting missions in video game history! from gaming
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ah fond memories of shitting my pants!
I always wait under the pipes and look at reddit in the time.
Incredible mission. The *pfftpt* sound of the silenced M21 as you’re popping heads 🤌
COD 4 was filled with such amazing missions.
One of my favorite and most hated missions. That and the Overwatch with the C-130 (I loved being the gunner in that mission)
I would like to see the other guy’s point of view. Slowy walking towards a guy laying on the ground 3m in front of him with a rifle pointing his way.
With todays graphics they could make this mission and have the camouflage be even more believable, even from the enemy pov. Would be curious to see
So about 6 months before this game came out I read the story about Carlos Hathcock. This mission is highly inspired by one of his exploits so it was a ton of fun being like oh shit! They are doing the Hathcock mission!
ey, bro, watch your apc
watch your apc, bro
>ey, bro, watch your soldier
I played the game “Squad” for exactly that but more frequently and with real people, when your squad needs to get behind enemy lines. It’s actually a lot of fun, would recommend it
Keep in mind variable humidity and wind speed along the bullet’s flight path. At this distance you’ll also have to take the Coriolis Effect into account.
Did everyone else try and kill the entire russian army alone or was that just me?
I’ll take missions I’ve failed A LOT for $2000
The early front runner for stress during a video game for me was library level on Halo, this one hit harder for sure. Really great mission and campaign in COD4
Pro tip – cram your face as deep into MacMillans taint as possible and you won’t be spotted.
It’s been over a decade and I can still hear Price’s “WE.ARE.LEAVING.” in my head.
This mission and the following one was hell to play on Veteran mode. Made me sweat as a 15 year-old but felt so accomplished afterwards.
The original MW1 had so much heart and soul in it. Nearly every modern shooter is based on either that or halo
Wait there. Tango by the car. Take him out quietly, or just let him pass. Your call.
My trick for this part of the mission was to go as far in the right as I could, and waiting. For 5+ attempts of doing this part as intended, I’ve always failed.
This is the last CoD I played, and I remember loaing this mission so many times due to impatience. I feel like I went out on a good note.
I remember hearing a story of a soldier in.. Iraq? Afghanistan? Somewhere. He literally did this. Crawled through a field of grass for hundreds of yards, inches at a time. At one point he said he was feet away from an enemy patrol soldier. I think about this often
Completing this mission on veteran was a badge of honor i carried around with me in junior high school
Do you remember the landscape behind the main character? Where are these vehicles even going? There is a dead end
What game is this?
Loved this scene. I’ll have to say though, I just had this same experience playing escape from tarkov. I was a sniper just laying prone on a hill, after shooting a few guys, two more people ran up behind me, one on my left one on my right, practically standing on me. I sat perfectly still and let them pass. Then shot one of them in the head as they left. Amazing.
I know Call of Duty is associated with unsupervised 12 year olds and over the top Michael Bay-esq scenarios, but it’s hard to emphasis how big of a deal the original Modern Warfare was. The cinematic feel (the intro, holy shit), the soundtrack, your character dying (before they milked this to death), and the feeling of being just a soldier in a conflict so much bigger than you.
Too much radiation. We’ll have to go around