San Jose home at dangerous intersection has been rammed by cars ’23 times’
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San Jose home at dangerous intersection has been rammed by cars ’23 times’
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You can see the house destroyed in Google Street view in this link
They should start a wrecking yard. You crash it i keep it!
Ya that middle right turn lane is so stupid and dangerous since it is legal to turn right on red and obviously people are not slowing down properly from the highway to city speed limits or looking for proper right of way or taking the turn too tight. The fact that he has been struck 23 times and the city can’t even consider painting black over the right turn lane and just making it a straight through lane is stupid. The right lane is also like 50 car lengths long. Why does it need a second turn lane especially because you can turn right on red there shouldn’t be a need for that many cars sitting to turn right?
I was wondering why no one fixed the problem, then they showed the guy after about 30 seconds. That’s probably part of the reason.
“even if the city advices against it” [steel poles], right because steel poles would be dangerous for the drivers, and damage to his home is not the city’s problem. Injured drivers due to their inaction is.
This reminds me of a news report I saw a while back of a guy in Texas whose home kept getting flooded and the city didn’t want to do anything about it. So he built a dike around his home, which caused other homes (instead of his) to get flooded, and forced the city to fix the problem.
People don’t apply for government jobs because they want to work hard…
Haha essj, have some crazy stories from I used to live in that city
Its a pretty cheap fix
Make the middle lane for ONLY going straight through the intersection
This isn’t that difficult
Why isn’t his insurance company suing the city? They gotta be tired of paying out to repair his home, even if it’s just the cost of going after the drivers’ insurance companies.
I think I would move after the first, oh, FIVE TIMES A CAR PLOWED MY HOME.
Just put a loop-de-loop ramp in front of the house and send them back to the freeway.
Lovely American intersections.
Imagine living on a 6 lane road…
[Not Just Bikes: Why Cars Rarely Crash into Buildings in the Netherlands](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra_0DgnJ1uQ)
The US seems to see these accidents caused by the driver.
EU countries take into account that the environment might fuel these accidents and try to adjust it to reduce accidents.
ESSJ has some hella dumb mofuckers living there. Doesn’t surprise me at all. Poor guy. City should help him fuckin build a moat.
When I lived there, my neighbor had some crackhead crash her car into his house, then she picked up the broken mailbox and threw it through his window. They didn’t even know each other.
So people haven’t heard of slowing the fuck down?
This is the middle lane, right turn allowed he wants removed I think.Basically the lane looks like it goes straight into his house. Idk what it’s like taking that lane in real life but it looks really sharp and weird, I don’t think double right turn lanes like this are common in neighborhoods. Anyways that would suck maybe use giant water barrels?
Not that he wants to, but I bet he could still sell that house for $1 million if he wanted too.
It looks like that ramp and the street it leads into (Bambi Ln) are misaligned. The ramp should really be about ten feet to the northwest if the center lane is what’s supposed to feed into Bambi Ln. The state should move the left two lanes over so the center one aligns correctly. Then create two dedicated right-turn-only lanes. Separate those two from the rest of the road with a concrete median and stoplight. Make it clear with signage that those lanes are for right turns only and people need to slow down even if the light is green.
Can someone explain to me how this can possibly happen? There are plenty of freeway exits like this around me, and I’ve literally never seen anything like this. How is it hard to take a right turn?
Such a simple fix too. Just put a concrete curb in the gap between the center-straight lane and the right-right-hand turn lane.
He could install a ramp so that people go over the top of his house instead of hitting his house.
They call it Johnny 23.
Wonder if he’ll get sued if someone injures themselves by ramming those cement filled steel poles.
23 and no security camera footage?
The rocks seem like a reall bad idea to stop a car; far more likely they will just act as a ramp and get the car some unimpeded airtime before it crashes into the building
I’m imagining a series of signs that simply say “Don’t Hit the House”. Kind of like that movie Rat Race.
He should build a concrete wall around the house.
que moto crak
This is one of those situations where the next asshole that ran into this guys house would sue because of the items that are meant to protect his house now caused extensive damage to the individuals car and resulted in more extensive medical damages to the individual.
Jezis I would have built concrete reinforced steel poles all the way around my house by now.
An insurance scammers dream home.
Just sue, only then will the city address this issue.
Time to mow down that house once and for all and no more house to crash into.
What insurance would want to insure this house lmao