Ordered desert in a restaurant, and it came with this un-requested message in chocolate
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Ordered desert in a restaurant, and it came with this un-requested message in chocolate
View Reddit by squeakycleaned – View Source
Sorry for your weight loss because this dessert is addictive?
Storytime – friends and I live in NYC, and to celebrate our Philly friend’s bday we went to a Mets-Phillies game. The Phils lost 6-0.
Afterward we went out to drinks and dinner, and forgot that we mentioned the game to our waitress. So when the dessert came out with caption, we were so confused.
Turns out she was talking about the Phillies loss, but we only learned that when we got the check and expressed our concern. Had a big laugh about it, and gave her a great tip for the effort.
That sounds vaguely threatening.
Much better than the Widow across the room that got the Congratulations dessert 🤣
What kind of restaurant uses that beat up nasty plate?
If something had happened, who the hell would feel comforted by this?
What IS that dessert?
Looks interesting
Wow, you ordered an entire desert, but they brought you dessert instead. I’d be furious!
But did it taste delicious?
Loss of health
Ok but I’m kinda curious…what’s the dessert??
I want a restaurant that adds a random, cook -decided message you every dish.
The fuck kind of plate?
Probably referring to the s missing from your dessert. I am sorry for your loss as well.
They knew you’d have to give all your pants away afterwards
Perhaps they are referring to your bowel control later that night.
“Dress it up! Drizzle somethin’ on it!”
You ordered a desert and got a dessert? You should gobi complaining to the manager!
Both the food and the plate look disgusting. How lovely.
The desert is a harsh mistress with no mercy or empathy.
Next time try ordering dessert.
Is that a giant slug covered in chocolate sauce?
Loss of Bowels
What in the F is that ?
I looked through the comments on this post because my first thought was, “Is that Sotto le Stelle?”
As a Phillies fan that lives in Queens, I appreciate this story and the amazing food of Sotto. The plates do not typically look like this (like…*look* at the perfectly fine plates in the background). But I would eat their pizza and pasta off a paper plate any day, they’re sooooo good. Let the haters enjoy the fine china at Olive Garden.
The staff know something you do not, you’ve been warned.
Oddly enough, the girl who handed my food to me at the McDonald’s drive through wished me a happy birthday today. My birthday is in December.
What was it? Was it good? Lol
Wait, what did they put into that Chili!?
Your imminent loss of pancreas function, perhaps?
What is that?
Great idea for a sitcom. Pastry/dessert chef who thinks they are psychic. Puts random cryptic messages on things they send out. Makes for great comedy. Could have an ultra wise elderly dishwasher. Greedy owner/manager with hairbrain money making schemes.
The food looks like a messed up dead seal.
Was it dry?
OP was dining with his wife
2 week old banana
Free choco tho
It should say “Sorry 4 ur gain”
When my FIL passed away I got a card that was passed around work that everybody signed. One person wrote “happy birthday!” not 2 inches from where the card said “sorry for your loss”.
An idea:
* hot spicy burrito
* hot sauce caption “I’m sorry for your ass”