David Isom, the 19 year old young man that gave absolutely no damn and entered a ‘whites only’ pool in Florida which resulted in officials closing the facility. June 8, 1958.
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David Isom, the 19 year old young man that gave absolutely no damn and entered a ‘whites only’ pool in Florida which resulted in officials closing the facility. June 8, 1958.
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Like a boss
I wonder/fear what happened to him. White people would often throw bleach directly on Black people entering ‘whites only’ pools.
Rarely, Some people have actual balls.
Interesting how all the white kids stop and stare. David Isom had guts!
That was 64 years ago a lot of the RACIST people that did such things are still alive today. Probably redrawing districts or enacting laws.
Edit: added the last sentence for context
He’s smiling but inside he’s saying “Shit, lemme just leave this facility in one piece!”
The fact those white Kids are looking at him like that doesn’t shock me. It get those same looks when I’m in majority white spaces ,”like, what is he doing here”?
Nothing has changed.
“If we can’t keep them out, no one can have the pool”
Brought to you by white supremacy
Alive and well to this day.
“The real racism is against white people, because black people exist still”
“I got called a “cracker” once”
A true badass through and through!
Good for him
Welcome to Florida 🍊
God I hate racism. How did people think this was acceptable?
And yet they’d say WE’RE the snowflakes. Black man touched water around me! Heavens no!
That generation still exists as Republicans.
King shit
Crazy isn’t it? Humans are such jerks. What amazes me, is I keep hearing that chinese are super racist towards everyone apparently.. Is natural suspicion of other races in our dna or is this taught overtime? Kids all play together no matter the color. But sometime around puberty something happens..
I hate it .
So thankful i wasnt living back then
I love this! That’s awesome!
In the late ‘60s Martin Luther King stayed at the Monson Motor Lodge in St. Augustine FL. They put alligators in the pool to ensure he didn’t go in.
So much evil.
EDIT: When I lived in St. Augustine that was the story I was told. According to Wikipedia the motel owner poured muratic acid in the pool. Either way, evil.
What a weird time. My brain can’t even fathom that had I been raised back then, I would most likely have thought this was okay and normal. As much as racism is still an issue, I think we need to acknowledge how many people DID change their minds and realized how dumb segregation was.
Dude gave 0 fucks
Why’s there always a professional photographer on hand?
Imagine being so stupid, you think people of color ruin water.
Thats what courage in action looks like.
“I’m running out of white guilt! It’s all the way down to swimming and I gotta admit.. I don’t think I give a fuck!” -bill burr
Is that the incident that was followed by a pool manager dropping acid in the pool or something? I am not american but I’ve heard there was a protest that ended like this
ironically, he actually probably gave a lotta damns and was pretty heroic to do this. but thats what you mean of course really 😉
I lived in an older neighborhood that had a nice small park. It had a wading pool and bathrooms. I asked old timers why those things no longer existed and they said integration. People would rather not have this nice park because they didn’t want to share with blacks. You see this all the time in the South.
I’ve also seen the photo of the white bastard pouring caustic chemicals into the swimming pool that a black family decided to swim in. My students don’t understand that the sixties were not all that long ago, and that this type of ass-backwards hatred takes a long time to come to an end.
Great book titled “The Sum of Us” delved into the broad social cost of segregation, namely the dismantling of public facilities like public pools and recreational areas and the rise of country clubs/private facilities. As a parks and rec kid, it was heartbreaking to read.
The entire history of the GOP (formerly democrat) America. We’ll give up whatever it takes to make sure that the people we think are below us, get anything nice taken away, decent healthcare, good paying jobs, pools, the American dream, all of it.
The first ever Florida Man
The kids in the pool are the same people who are now pissed and afraid that “critical race theory” is going to be taught in school.
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Not even 70 years ago… Yet the us still has a long way to go towards equality…
I am not from USA, what would happen if they made “blacks only” swimming pools or something, would it solve the racism?
Again, I am not from USA, I ask this legit to see how things were.
Was he killed after this?
I love it, wish I’d been there to support the man. I am a white man. I went into the Navy in 1970. I was stationed on a ship with a very diverse population. My first day on board the ship, the only two people that greeted me and took me under their wings were a black man from Harlem and Puerto Rican man from The Bronx.
I went in the Navy with no preconceived notions about any minorities (my parents were cool) so those two men were my friends and are the men by which I judge others, they were cool, they were kind and they were protective even though I was a naive white boy from NH.
The point being is that I don’t get the prejudice and I don’t understand “racism” because we’re all the same species “homo sapiens” the color of our skin is meaningless.
“Where are all the white women?”
Sheriff Bart
Damn, sounds like they were a bunch of snowflakes
Those kids are still alive today asking why we have to make everything about race😔
{slow clap}