Leap Of Faith In 14 Different Assassin’s Creed Games
Leap Of Faith In 14 Different Assassin’s Creed Games from gaming
View Reddit by DarkSide-DarthVader – View Source
Leap Of Faith In 14 Different Assassin’s Creed Games
Leap Of Faith In 14 Different Assassin’s Creed Games from gaming
View Reddit by DarkSide-DarthVader – View Source
Why do i find this satisfying
the camera shake in valhalla is actually pretty cool
*chin up, hay down*
There are 14?!
Thanks for making me realize there are four-freakin-teen of these
After Unity went downhill.Orgins looks the worst
His head is definitely hitting the side of the cart in the first few games.
I like how in the newer games the character turns over later in the flight, right before the impact. If you look at the first game, he turns over very early and then just falls down on the back.
They don’t make hay bales like that anymore …
It does loop. Does it? Waiting since an hour to end.
Why no gras animation !!!
So many broken spines.
Shite game so much innovation /s
I miss Ezio.
Idk if it’s just me but the jump into a hay cart that was shorter in width than length always gave me anxiety about the assassin hitting their head on the side
this was the most iconic part of the game by far
You know why Assassin’s Creed wouldn’t work too well in a modern scenario? People don’t rake that much leaves anymore. There are machines that take away the leap’s destinations.
Tried this irl, it doesn’t work as shown.
I like the last one, it really feels like you’re falling
Lots of texture pop-in.
That’s 13 too many games of those.
Assasin’s creed: IV balck flag is the only good one
Thanks, I needed this today
So much hate for these games these days.
AC is up there as my all time favorite franchise. I’ve enjoyed each and will continue to do so.
The grass animations haven’t improved in over 14 games lol.
I’ve somehow never played an assassin’s creed game. Is there really no particle effect when the player hits the hay, or is it just being cut off in these videos?
Wow so different
And still no landing animation?
(Either way, it’s a cool compilation)
There are 14 assassin creed games?
There are 14 AC games? first one in 2007 and last one in 2020. they really need to hit the brakes and make something new.
Next time use clip from other guys (aim for the bushes)
In real life if you jumped at that height and landed in a wagon of hay. Would you live?
I’m still waiting for this to come out as a Tik-Tok challenge
Oh, hay
What would we do without the strawng force
>Leap Of Faith In 14 Different Assassin’s Creed Games
I suppose faith is as good a term as any given that you’ve got to be gullible to the point of self-deception to make that jump. At least in real life. It sure looks fun though 🙂
First drop is maybe 70 meters based on the time it took to land. You’d be hitting that hay at roughly 130KMH, or 80MPH. It’d break the cart and splatter your body all over the ground. Would hate to be the one on cleaning duty that day.
I know it’s just a game, but this always bugged me a bit – that jump into a hay bale would definitely kill our assassin.
This makes me wonder how many people tried the same thing in real life, but with slightly less success.
So much faith in one leap this man fell through part of a boat
Meanwhile a number of people were complaining about Horizon Forbidden West reusing the grapple animation. SMH
Odyssey was a fun game. It was so much more bright and vibrant than other AC games, plus no fall deaths.
Really bothering me how many of them are perpendicular
Wow the same thing 14 times over 😂
And none of them a proper cloth animation. With that much speed, his clothes would flutter much more. Especially the end of the cape.
The french revolution one and the london industrial revolution one are the two best in terms of atmosphere
What’s with the weird slow down in the last few? Is it actually like that in game?
I forgot how pretty Unity looked.
It’s amazing that Unity is still one of, if not the best looking one.
It was a buggy mess at launch, but man does it look good.