Sunday, March 16All That Matters

A couple days before my Dad passed away he sang with me for the first time


  • A couple days before my Dad passed away from his battle with cancer he said he wanted to sing with me. He was slipping in out of consciousness at the time. I had never heard him sing before and was just strumming some chords. This was one of his last lucid moments.

    He was a remarkable human being. A Navy commander that flew over a hundred combat rescue missions in Vietnam, was a part of the Apollo 8 mission, a screenwriter who wrote several Chuck Norris films, a college professor, a high school principal, a producer for a production company. But most importantly, he was the most wonderful father you could ask for. I’m so thankful I was able to spend the end of his life with him and so happy that he’ll be reunited with my Mom. I love you Dad.

  • I’m so sorry. I can feel the love here. Not just from you, but your father. He wanted to share this moment with you. This last piece of himself. As a father with poor health, you start to think about how your children will remember you. It becomes a big part of your thoughts. Your father didn’t want you to remember him as this sick man, but all the good things, and it sounds like you have. He would be so happy to know this.

    With everything involved, including the sweet dog, I want to thank you for sharing this previous intimate moment. Maybe it’ll remind people to make that one more visit that they should have. To have what could be that last moment. It’s an important message.

    Also, I’m a Navy vet myself and I salute your father for his service.

  • You brought me back to my last night with my dad. He was flirting with the nurses, telling stories and talking about the things he was going to need help with the next day when he got home. Sorry for you lose and thank you for bring up the memory.

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