As far as exploration and maps go, Origins is one of my favourite open world games. The music and ambient sound is also fantastic. Sometimes I boot it up just to look at it.
It was too long and boring that in the middle of the story I had no idea what I was doing and what Does the game want from me. And the same goes with its successions Odyssey and Valhalla. I couldn’t finish all of them
Recently went back to replay it. Haven’t finished my second go yet but yeah, it holds up really well. Valhalla was such a let down after this and Odyssey.
I was very leery of that game before it came out, so many big changes compared to the rest of the series. But by golly it was good! The difficulty slider alone was worth its weight in gold. And Odyssey was better still. Did not like Valhalla though, can’t put my finger on it but it was just not nearly as enjoyable as the previous 2 games.
I agree Origins is fun, I unfortunately wound up playing Origins after Odyssey and I am in the camp that Odyssey is the superior game and improved on Origins, even considering the bloat in Odyssey. Still a fun game and absolutely groundbreaking for the series though.
I have a love hate relationship with this one. Still miss the old ac that wasn’t trying to be like every other open world game. It just got much worse with each new title this one being the most tolerable of the three.
This is the origins game about Assassin creed adding Microtransaction.
I REALLY enjoyed Origins.
Orgins and black flag are my favorite setting.
just started with odyssey, a bit disappointed with the environment implementations but overall i like it so far
The rng is this game is an ass , took me end of the game before getting a proper axe
As far as exploration and maps go, Origins is one of my favourite open world games. The music and ambient sound is also fantastic. Sometimes I boot it up just to look at it.
Orgins has such a beautiful setting every area looks amazing. The dessert the Nil and Pyramids so good.
I don’t care a about the haters. The newer games are fucking amazing.
This game 100% shouldve had dismemberments, all of the executions and kill animations are geared towards it.
I forgot how much I love origins sooo much🥹
A great game by an utterly shitty company
It was too long and boring that in the middle of the story I had no idea what I was doing and what Does the game want from me. And the same goes with its successions Odyssey and Valhalla. I couldn’t finish all of them
I had such a blast with this game.
Black Flag, Odyssey and Origins. That’s it. Hit me, IDGAF.
Recently went back to replay it. Haven’t finished my second go yet but yeah, it holds up really well. Valhalla was such a let down after this and Odyssey.
3rd Act was rushed together but overall great game.
Personal favourite
Will Siwa ever know peace?
Really beautiful games. I grow bored of the gameplay rather quickly but its a stunner no doubt.
I was very leery of that game before it came out, so many big changes compared to the rest of the series. But by golly it was good! The difficulty slider alone was worth its weight in gold. And Odyssey was better still. Did not like Valhalla though, can’t put my finger on it but it was just not nearly as enjoyable as the previous 2 games.
origins > odyssey & valhalla. respectfully
Definitely the best AC game out of the new 3.
I really liked odyssey, I’ll have to check out origins now that it’s on game pass
I agree Origins is fun, I unfortunately wound up playing Origins after Odyssey and I am in the camp that Odyssey is the superior game and improved on Origins, even considering the bloat in Odyssey. Still a fun game and absolutely groundbreaking for the series though.
My favorite AC since Black Flag. I really enjoyed this one.
It was a good game, but it wanted to be Witcher 3 and it didn’t even come close.
Origins had a fantastic story, but I loved the setting of Odyssey more. Valhala has its moments but to me just doesn’t compare to the other two.
Would love to play it but stutters constantly on PC.
I love the immersion this game provides
I tried to like this game but all the AC games are too repetitive
Favorite one, right after black flag!
Siwa, no?.. ♥
Playing through it now and I’m stunned at the map size. I still have a whole block of southern regions I haven’t explored.
Best of the latest three.
I have a love hate relationship with this one. Still miss the old ac that wasn’t trying to be like every other open world game. It just got much worse with each new title this one being the most tolerable of the three.
Is the Gold edition worth it, or stick with the base and save money? Gold I think includes the DLC’s