Do you have a copy without all the filtering? It’s a cool picture, but it’s hard to see how good the cosplay looks because it’s hard to tell what’s polished up by filters and what’s actually your work.
without reading the comments: you can make any photo look like a painting by jacking up the noise reduction so high it turns all forms into claylike blobs
If this was a picture of a cosplayer at one point it’s not anymore. If you are so far edited that you can’t see yourself in the picture anymore it’s not a picture of you. Not cosplay.
Seen this character a lot but never knew her name…
The lighting makes you look like you are in the game haha looks great 🙂
Solid cosplay!👏🏿👏🏿
“Cosplay” that’s gotta be a 3D render
Defo 3d rendering mixed into your actual cosplay lol but holy shit is that a dope ass cosplay!
Edit: VFX are on point, almost thought this was a render!
When you edit it that much, it’s just photography.
With this you could do other Wild West stuff!🤔
This straight up looks like a render
No cheeks no upvote
At this point that’s just a 3d render
Thought this was a render holy cow!
Can you post a link to this photo before it was photoshopped?
Some of these comments aren’t it… You do a fantastic Ashe! 😀
Headshot me any day lady 👌🏼
Cool pic!
Do you have a copy without all the filtering? It’s a cool picture, but it’s hard to see how good the cosplay looks because it’s hard to tell what’s polished up by filters and what’s actually your work.
What ain’t no cosplay, that’s just the real deal!
Great!, Luv it!!
Absolutely magnificent!
inb4 the simps and the 🔒
Looks more like trash it’s filtered and edited so much.
Don’t forget that you’re a person OP. This is unnecessary.
That is a 3d render, we can all say
without reading the comments: you can make any photo look like a painting by jacking up the noise reduction so high it turns all forms into claylike blobs
Let me guess, B.O.B. is off doing something
Why so scared? Ashe must grin, she’s cheeky af )
Look like toy
Where’s Bob?
Thought this was Emilia Clarke for a sec
Do ya need do ya need do ya need me to repeat myself?
nice overwatch 3 leak
That looks like it was rendered in a game wrf
Tf2 is better
No Booba? You have my upvote.
Until I read the text I thought it was a drawing or something
Damn that’s real life?
Where is the bottom half! Need a full shot
Bob! Render something!
By law we need to hear you say “BOB DO SOMETHING!”
I see no cosplay there, could be a screenshot as well,…
If this was a picture of a cosplayer at one point it’s not anymore. If you are so far edited that you can’t see yourself in the picture anymore it’s not a picture of you. Not cosplay.