July 29, 2022 by girafa [ad_1] Shark Side Of The Moon Teaser (2022) Asylum Sci-Fi Horror [ad_2] View Reddit by girafa – View Source
So…we’ve gone from the sea, to airbourne, to land, and now to space well i suppose that was the natural progression for the modes of transport of the sharks July 29, 2022 at 5:28 pm Reply
So they just kidnapped the cgi character from Pirates of the Caribbean? Ok. July 29, 2022 at 5:35 pm Reply
I wonder if Asylum would make my movie about giant lava Rollie Pollie Pill Bugs from the center of the earth? July 29, 2022 at 6:16 pm Reply
Every once in a while there’s an idea that’s so brilliant that I get super jealous I didn’t come up with it. This is one of those ideas. July 29, 2022 at 6:21 pm Reply
I read that as “Dark Side of the Moon” and was surprised by the sharks. I’m not even mad. July 29, 2022 at 7:04 pm Reply
Give me one million and I could have made this movie a thousand times better, if you gave me 2 million it’d be two thousand times worse. July 29, 2022 at 9:14 pm Reply
So…we’ve gone from the sea, to airbourne, to land, and now to space
well i suppose that was the natural progression for the modes of transport of the sharks
So they just kidnapped the cgi character from Pirates of the Caribbean? Ok.
obviously a Sharknado sequel ?
I wonder if Asylum would make my movie about giant lava Rollie Pollie Pill Bugs from the center of the earth?
Every once in a while there’s an idea that’s so brilliant that I get super jealous I didn’t come up with it. This is one of those ideas.
Please lay eggs inside the main female character!!!
I read that as “Dark Side of the Moon” and was surprised by the sharks. I’m not even mad.
I don’t know, this might actually be watcheable…
Street Sharks the movie
Give me one million and I could have made this movie a thousand times better, if you gave me 2 million it’d be two thousand times worse.
Street Sharks!
whats next? Are You Afraid of The Shark movie?
Shark: Covenant