The hardest decision of my life. No matter how many times I do it, it never gets easier.
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The hardest decision of my life. No matter how many times I do it, it never gets easier.
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squirtle the goat
What Pokémon game is this? 🤔
That’s why you play the game 3 times and trade starters! Gotta catch ’em all! XD
Bulbasaur, no questions.
Dude their decision to go with these washed out colors will always bother me. Did they put them through the wash 1000 times?
Squirtle Squad! 😎
Charmander ftw
I always go squirtle. But if it’s red/blue/green, bulbs is the best choice.
Squirtle forever
Pity I cant start with squirtle, evolve him into ivysaure, and evolve that into charmeleom… and so on
In the case of X and Y, it’s just logical to get the one that compliments your first starter best. All three have their shining moments elsewhere as individuals.
Aside from that though, r/bulbasaurmasterrace
Charmander every single time. Is the beginning of the game harder? Yes. Do I care? No.
Bulbasaur is No. 1 in the Pokedex for a reason.
Ikr like why is it the biggest decision of my life to just always big bulbasaur
Every time I get to this point and think I’ll do something different this play through.
It always ends up as Charmander. I need to really give water and leaf more of a chance.
Yes it does. True red/blue chads know that bulba is life.
Well, it depends on which gen 6 starter you chose earlier
Easy. Bulbasaur
Very easy for me. BULBABOIS
For anyone wanting to know how the OP is picking the Kanto Trio on 3ds, its Pokemon X and Y.
Bulba! Bulb! Bulbasaur
Squirtle is and will always be my default
I choose the forth pokemon
Hmmmm Squirtle is good, but so is Squirtle, but Squirtle doesn’t die if you throw a rock at him. So Imma go with squirtle
Answer is always BLASTOISE
Squirtle. All the time. Everytime.
You’re doing it wrong, its squirtle…always squirtle.
Charmander is and will always be my default
My picks were:
Gen I: Charmander
I actually learned about “Struggle” in Viridian Forest when I tried Bulbasaur at a later date.
Gen II: Chikorita
Gen III: Torchic
Gen IV: Piplup
Gen V: Oshawott
Gen VI: Fennekin (And Squirtle later)
Gen VII: Litten
Gen VIII: Soble
I’ve picked fire type since I first picked up Pokemon Red as a kid, and I see no reason to change now.
Always Bulbasaur