I saw a bug carry a spider off in his jaws. I’ve since retired from making nature documentaries.
I saw a bug carry a spider off in his jaws. I’ve since retired from making nature documentaries. from funny
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That is what we call a dirt dauber and spiders are what they eat. Have you ever seen those mud nests? They are filled with little spiders that their larva munch on before hatching. It’s kinda neat!
He looks so proud of himself
Wait ’til he learns that the spider is still alive but paralyzed, and will stay alive and unable to help itself while the wasp’s larva eats it alive from the inside.
Do not know what a wasp is?
Freaking Cazadores.
Wasps in the family Pompilidae are commonly called spider wasps, spider-hunting wasps, or pompilid wasps.
That is a mud dauber. They hunt spiders to feed their babies. They do not sting people.
Is that you Johnny Knoxville?
There’s one that lives in the cracks of the ground in our shop and is always carrying massive spiders back in
Spiders have gained air superiority. I’m done.
You turned into Arnold in the last second of the video.
Tarantula Hawk, another name for a Hunter Wasp that hunts spiders and lays its eggs in them. Talk about Horror Story.
Lol the way it flew at you xD
nice camera work that was neat
Surprises noises are my favorite. “..disturbing! AHAGHULL!”
Damn nature… you scary…
I saw a spider jump on a gillywhomper and attack it all the way down.
Nature is metal.
IRL Xenomorph