Would you have told him he forgot to finish wiping?
Would you have told him he forgot to finish wiping? from funny
View Reddit by BenjaminBX – View Source
Would you have told him he forgot to finish wiping?
Would you have told him he forgot to finish wiping? from funny
View Reddit by BenjaminBX – View Source
I wear Longsleeve Shirts under shortsleeve shirts…
also Toilet paper under my undies
“Pardon me, but your ass is still not wiped, sir. Just thought I’d let you know. No problem.”
I would like someon to tell me so I’d say something
“Ey man, you got a problem back there” *wink*
Why the fuck does he use soo much
The Manmade Tail
Modelos and Cheetos a man of class
Beer and what looks like chili cheese fritos…no wonder why he has the shits.
It’s a simple “Hey, man, got something back there.” This is after getting footage of course.
What’s the problem? These pants were made this way… It’s a new style of calico cut pants… Check out the website if you don’t believe me
Or he could have been stealing toilet paper and it seems he’s just not that good at it.
I would say “welcome to Walmart sir”.
I actually was in line to pay for breakfast at a truckstop diner and a guy in front of me had the same problem. The squealing jumps he did when I tugged on it were so funny! And the surprised look on his face is a core memory too!
His first mistake was not wiping.
His second mistake was buying shitty beer
I remember a day in elementary school our VP came into our class and had not that much but still a noticeable amount of 🧻 hanging from her pants and she was lecturing the class. Everyone including the teacher was using everything we could to not laugh, and when she finally walked out, our class roared with laughter. Funniest and best day of elementary school ever 🤣🤣
No I would film him and post it on Reddit
Look at me, I’m a kangaroo
He just sat on his CVS receipt.
Step on it
Yes, because if random internet videos have taught me anything, there’s 2 weirdos waiting to hand me some cash because I done a good deed.
I’ve seen it couple times on photo/video, but cannot understand how is that possible. Can someone forget to get out a piece of paper from their ass?
Yes, I would tell him that he got toilet paper hanging out, not filming him
How do people do this?
Do some of you just pull on the roll and wipe like a conveyor belt??
I think we’re looking at this the wrong way. He’s just being prepared and doesn’t give a fuck about what other people think
Just a cheap way to make a furry suit
With the amount he’s got dragging the floor, I don’t think he started wiping yet. That man got shit on his ass right this second
man is just cosplaying
I wouldn’t be able to help myself. “Broooooooooo… smh”
Mate hes just trying to reposition his butt plug
Nope not saying a fucking word
Maybe he carries around spare tissue in his pants
That’s his tail… he’s a dragon… rawr..
Probably did it to psyche people out lol.
He wanted to leave a paper trail . . .
I have a friend this has happened to quite a bit! She lines the seat with TP as to not sit directly on the seat but ends up with Tp she doesn’t know is there until one of us tells her
Definitely would have told him and not recorded it.
Looks like bait. Like if someone mentioned it he would have a disappointing joke prepared
I’d pull out
Should have stopped at the last 6 pack
For what it’s worth, I had this happen to me once. It happened when I stood up and pulled up my pants. The excess on the end of the roll just got caught between my pants and me.
I mean, was the guy really single-ply ass-flossing.
Can people get turned on off of something like this? Been reading wild things lately.
I would have chosen other words but I’d have let him know there’s TP hanging out of his trousers
Use the lighter at the tail end of it, he’ll find out sooner or later that he’s got tp up his ass
He’s not done he just plugged it up for now. He needs those hot chips and beer to finish the job… Plus he ain’t gonna waste good paper, saving it for later.