“You’re the weak, and I’m the tyranny of evil men” – the ending scene of Pulp Fiction (1994)
"You’re the weak, and I’m the tyranny of evil men" – the ending scene of Pulp Fiction (1994) from OldSchoolCool
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I love Ezekiel 23:20 myself
Just the walk out after screams cool. Nice choice.
Zed’s dead, baby
Don’t be so square daddy o
That’s a good mother fucking milkshake
You get gone, and you stay gone, or you’ll be gone….your L.A. privileges are revoked.
This movie absolutely blew us away the first time we saw it. Amazing acting from everyone
After a sermon like that they needed to take up an offering. I am pretty sure everyone there would have given
What do they call a whopper?
>Now, I want you to go in that bag and find my wallet.
>Which one is it?
>It’s the one that says “Bad Motherfucker”.
Garson means boy
I never saw this movie. Is it any good?
The way the subtitles were glitching, I was thinking it had a hidden message.
>Yvan eht nioj
No hidden message. Now I’m off to join the navy.
Best movie to watch over and over again
You blew his damn head off
Unnecessary dialogue. Like a full two minutes to slap away the gun 😏😱🥹 Tarantino is overrated
Best line reading from the soliloquy is “But I’m trying Ringo, I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.”
So what was in the briefcase?
Coolest movie ever made. Hands down. Gets better every time I see it.
That soundtrack was amazing.
Jules, if you give that fucking nimrod 1500 dollars, I’m gonna shoot him on general principles
This is my favorite movie of all time. I’ve probably seen it close to 100 times over the years and can practically memorize every single line.
I included this verse in my essay on a paper called Firms, Marley’s, and Global Dynamics during my B school days. Still gives me the excited chills.
God, I saw this in a packed theater in a college town, last year of school for me. No expectations at all going in. It was an amazing night – crowd was into it, yelling, laughing at the right times. Such a great movie.
Still waiting for this to happen in real life:
*Me giving an interview*
I: So what are your hobbies?
M: I like watching movies
I: What’s your favourite movie?
M: I like Tarantino stuff. Pulp Fiction
I: Nice! Remember the Ezekiel scene?
M: The path of the…. goes on to recite it!
I: Whoa! Take the offer letter
What the hell program/streaming service put the subtitles on this? The way that they would disappear but then a single frame of the old subtitle set would show up when the new dialogue came up was driving me crazy
So he has to pull the trigger to decock the hammer like that. I mean it works but a little oopsy doopsy and Ringo goes the way of Marvin 🤯
The best scene in one of the greatest movies of all time
An absolute masterpiece of film talent.
Tarantino is a weird dude but he is so gifted.
Thanks for this OP. Set me up nicely for work today…..
This is one of my all time favorite scenes in cinema