Sunday, February 23All That Matters

(OC) this couple on my flight the other day


(OC) this couple on my flight the other day


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  • I’d take a flight packed with people like this over a nearly empty flight with the one guy who keeps asking people why they’re wearing a mask.

  • Maybe they don’t want to be bothered? Also, one person might have a medical condition and the other is putting on the same gear to make them feel comfortable.

    They could be worried that someone might wanna shake their hand.

  • One of them might have received an organ transplant.

    Folks who have had a transplant have to take immunosuppressants ~~that more or less neutralize (~~EDIT) prevent the vaccines from being as effective in some people while suppressing immune function to prevent organ rejection.

    EDIT: also could be a host of auto-immune/cancer issues that cause the extra precaution. When I see stuff like this I try to remember that this pandemic has been way harder on people for whom the vaccines aren’t an effective preventative measure.

    EDIT again: Passengers might also be Chinese as this has become commonplace for travel as several commenters [noted](

    Last edit: yes, you can still get covid after vaccination. Vaccines are preventative measures for severe infections and can also decrease the odds of a noticeable infection at all. If you think being able to get covid after vaccinated means the vaccine is not doing its job, that’s pretty faulty logic as there are exactly zero vaccines that confer 100% immunity. Hence children vaccinated for mumps contracting mumps when there’s an outbreak. Hence the vast, vast majority of ICU patients with covid are unvaccinated.

  • I mean I get it. My sister recently got diagnosed with brain cancer and I’m taking a train to see her. You bet your ass I’m gonna be covered in PPE so I don’t bring any shit to her.

    Edit: Holy smokes, didn’t expect this to take off the way it did. Thank you all for the support and tips, especially pertaining to proper mask fittings. Cancer is scary shit, and having a family member with it has meant putting on a brave face with them. I vent to my friends and they’re very supportive, but it’s been so so heartwarming to be getting such an outpouring of love and advice from people I don’t even know. Thank you all so much, and stay healthy!!

  • A friend of mine is undergoing cancer treatment; if he had to travel anywhere, he would likely be wearing something similar, because his immune system is shot.

  • An Asian guy sat next to me on a plane like that March 14, 2020. He had surgical gloves, face mask, face shield, swimmer eye goggles, protective gear, the works. Everyone on the plane had to think, as I did at the time “what a wack job”. It was every seat filled packed plane. It’s just crazy looking back. I always think about that guy now like “he was the only sane person on that plane.”

  • It would suck to be a doctor who couldn’t do their job due to covid. Not even just for lost income, but the stress of knowing the hospital is short handed and how many other people that affects.

  • They could be immunocompromised because of ongoing cancer treatment, organ recipient etc etc. Have to fight that initial impulse to immediately ascribe some character flaw like they are paranoid or crazy, and remember there might just be a legitimate reason why they are being so cautious.

  • I’m always embarrassed when I wear PPE in some settings and the comment section here has really lifted my spirits on the impressions of others, so thank you.

    Recently I traveled and did contract Covid for the first time. With my neurological condition it has been terrible thus far. I haven’t been hospitalized yet, thank God, but if it is true you can catch the new strain multiple times I will look similar to these folks if I have to fly again.

    Remember we are all different and what is a mild infection to most people can really devastate people who are immuno compromised or who have other under lying conditions.

  • I’d be pretty hesitant before poking fun at these folks. Could be a ton of different things at play. As someone said, could be organ transplant, or a disease/virus leaving someone extremely susceptible to respiratory viruses. Hell, they could just be old and don’t want to potentially die of something that’s could be avoided. I will admit, it’s a bit odd, but if they’re good with it, doesn’t bother me.

    Unfortunately, it seems like the majority of the USA has gone the complete opposite route (just like everything else these days) and have basically abandoned masks for the freedom of summer.

  • I have to opt-out (get physical pat-downs) at TSA because of implanted medical devices. I wonder what TSA would do with me wearing this-i’m not kidding – I’m immuno suppressed. This is a viable option for me to wear

  • One of the senior consultants at the hospital i worked used to wear 5 masks plus a face shield whenever she came for morning rounds. Everyone used to joke around till we learnt about her son having some auto immune disorder. It became apparent that the social norms and attitudes don’t really matter when a loved one’s well being is in question.
    this might be the case with the above couple or they are just fed up of people in general.

  • Whatever makes people comfortable and have peace of kind, then so be it. I still wear my mask and the amount of stares I get is overkill. I still don’t go out much and avoid crowds.

  • And? I would 100% rather sit next to these people than a mouthbreather who’s sick and constantly coughs but doesn’t wear a mask because “it infringes on my rights”.

    My motto in life is: I don’t give a shit what you do as long as said thing doesn’t affect me or others.

    You wanna stay at home and drink yourself to death? Fine, just don’t drive. You want an abortion? Fine, doesn’t affect me. You wanna wear a full suit like this to not get sick? Doesn’t affect or bother me in any way, so knock yourself out.

  • Having just got over COVID, it doesn’t seem like a bad idea!

    The lady across from us on the train was unmasked, coughing, with a runny nose and sneezed on my wife. Not even a cover-up. 5 days later we got it. Our FIL was exposed and since he has pancreatic cancer it could be his death warrant which is going to devastate my wife.

    I really am not going to demonize people for not masking but if you’re coughing every 2-3 minutes in a public place, ffs wear one.

  • Agree with these top comments, I live in a very densely populated neighborhood in a major city and I see young people walking around with masks on all the damn time outside. Do you know what I say to them? Goddamn nothing because it’s none of my business. If that’s how they feel comfortable that’s their business. I’m really tired of this, “see how crazy liberals are??” bullshit. I don’t know you, I don’t know your life. I don’t know what you’re dealing with. Whatever you’re doing to feel safe affects me in no way.

  • Don’t be an asshole man. You don’t know what these people are dealing with.

    I’m in my third trimester pregnant and my husband had to travel for work recently. He wore an N95 mask and a guy came up to him at the airport and called him a dickhead and took a picture. Sorry he’s trying to protect his pregnant wife and unborn child? I was LIVID.

  • 1. Did they get drunk and cause a ruckus?
    2. Did they take their shoes and socks off and put their feet up on the seat or armrest?
    3. Did they eat smelly food?
    4. Did they talk your ear off about their bitcoin investments?
    5. Did they hijack the plane with boxcutters?

    If the answer was no to all these questions, I’d be more than happy to have them sit near me on my next flight.

  • I would do the same. Lots of people laugh but who cares. My wife had TNBC inflammatory breast cancer, rare and aggressive. If she got sick they would have to stop chemo. The tumor grew from 1 cm to 7 cm in 4 weeks. If she had to stop chemo for 2 weeks she would be screwed. So more power to them.

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