Help… Found this guy outside….not sure what’s wrong with him. info in comments
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Help… Found this guy outside….not sure what’s wrong with him. info in comments
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He is a very strange looking dog.
Found outside my house, not sure what’s wrong him but he’s very weak and can’t fly and it’s mouth is staying gaped open. Can’t get any help from any bird charity and no vet nearby has the knowledge of how to help. From what I’ve read I can’t try feed it anything or try to syringe any water down its throat because it can get on its lungs…. Any help appreciated
Need to find a wildlife rehabilitator.
Looking at the current situation, pretty sure it’s because of the heat, the way he keeps his mouth open is to cool down.
Did you try the ISPCA mate? other than a cool quite location for now and I don’t know what to suggest
What’s wrong with that dog?
If there’s literally no zoo, wildlife rescue, etc. in your area, I’d probably just put it outside and let nature take its course. Maybe it’ll feel fine in an hour and be gone, maybe it’ll die.
It’s admirable you want to help, but if no one can take it, locking a wild animal in a box in your home isn’t giving it any chance to do what it may need to do.
Bird flu is currently an issue amongst the birds
We have an outbreak of avian flu currently in Brighton UK and possible it could be in Ireland also I guess? Symptoms are weakness, unable to fly and becoming lethargic . I have seen a couple of seagulls acting weird around town.
His problem is probably that you brought him inside and he wants to go outside
Call the nearest zoo with an aviary as a last resort.
I would try posting in r/falconry or r/birdsofprey – they might know what to do.
Leave some water for it overnight. There has to be somewhere that’s not tertibly far away that you can bring it to in the morning. Even a pet animal shelter might be able to help or at least give you a contact. You don’t have animal control near you?
How far is Longford from you? There’s the Irish Hawking Club there Tel: 085 7117863, further details – Anthony Doyle, Irish Hawking Club [www.irishhawkingclub.ie](http://www.irishhawkingclub.ie)
Until you can find a rescue keep it in a cool (but not cold) dark place, tricky given its size but if you have abox large enough covering it with a towel will keep it calm
You wrapped him in a towel and he mad.
The problem is he’s wrapped in a towel.
To… Tobias?
Some birds are just… angry.
Find a wildlife rehab. You or the bird are not safe if you have no experience with this species.
Not sure if anyone recommended calling the nearest zoo to you so figured I’d add that. They do eat rodents so you may be able to go to a pet shop and buy some frozen mice/rats that people usually feed pet snakes. Just make sure to that them under lukewarm water first.
Extra spicy burrito you got there
Call Auburn University. Best bird of prey program in the world. They will help, at least try to.
Dude you found a fucking eagle… absolutely wild.. ( no pun intended)
That’s the sloppiest burrito I’ve ever seen
/r/birding /r/whatisthisbird help this guy find a resource to save his flappy friend
Despite how you are rightfully cautious of this very large strong raptor, it’s also extremely terrified of you. The more you handle it, coax, and check in on it, its panic continues & it burns additional energy.
If nobody will take it today, it wants cool shade, privacy, and access to water (whether you see it drinking or not). To be left alone & not bothered.
Hopefully by morning someone will contact you. My experience is minimal, only from being in a situation similar to yours once. The bird I tried to rescue ended up dying because I couldn’t find an expert to take it on short notice. Unfortunate, but, you’ve done the right thing regardless of what happens.
There is a school of falconry at Ashford castle that has several rehab birds in their aviary. They should be able to at least point you in the right direction. https://www.falconry.ie
Well for one that’s clearly a snail
Most birbs don’t like being burritoed