Wednesday, January 29All That Matters

Is Zodiak (2007) first ever movie to use realistic fake CGI buildings? (i know Godzilla (1998) and Sky Captain (2004) use it too but not on such realistic scale as in Zodiak)


  • I have nothing off the top of my head but this has to have been happening way earlier than 2007. Tons of shots of a helicopter hovering over a city have 100% digital cities. You can get away with it since it’s not as detailed as the helicopter I front of you. As they say “you only notice bad CG, good CG is supposed to be invisible”

  • Off the top of my head: go see Fight Club for more than plenty. In the opening you’ll get dozens of floors, a couple of buildings and more. You’ll even see that shot of the garbage with the camera moving out: that’s CG, believe it or not. Also Marla & Tyler sex scened used special VFX to enhance a dream-like quality, but I guess that’s a bit more outside of what you’re saying.

    Panic Room has a fuckton of VFX in a similar regard to Zodiac, but in reference to the interior of the house. The making of these shows it in depth. These are just the first ones I thought of because you said Fincher and Zodiac. This had been done plenty upon plenty of times by the yaer 2007. Can come back to list more, just figured I’d assist soon as I saw question.

  • I think a lot of that effects would just be considered a digital matte. Like back in the early days of film when they used a painting to change the back drop or something. It’s kind of like that Charlie Chaplin roller skating trick is what they used here but digitally

  • Remember those bullet time sequences in the first Matrix? They have been done practically, with a ring of high speed camera arranged around the actors. But what *was* CGI was everything *but* the actors because otherwise you would have seen the cameras filming themselves. And that is in 1999. It’s great slight of hand because you are transfixed on the actor in that moment.

  • My question is why not shooting this at a real street? I know this is happening in the 70s but I would think it would still be easier to redress it a bit. Specially at night.

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