>For the first time in more than a decade, DreamWorks Animation presents a new adventure in the Shrek universe as daring outlaw Puss in Boots discovers that his passion for peril and disregard for safety have taken their toll. Puss has burned through eight of his nine lives, though he lost count along the way. Getting those lives back will send Puss in Boots on his grandest quest yet.
I saw the trailer for it when I went to see Bob’s Burgers. It’s the second worst trailer I’ve seen in theaters in the last ten years. The other one was for the Downton Abbey 2 movie.
Hey pussy 😉
Edit: I need 12 upvotes please to reverse the damage done to my karma by all of these downvotes.
Stop naming movies “The Last – – – “
In theaters December 21
>For the first time in more than a decade, DreamWorks Animation presents a new adventure in the Shrek universe as daring outlaw Puss in Boots discovers that his passion for peril and disregard for safety have taken their toll. Puss has burned through eight of his nine lives, though he lost count along the way. Getting those lives back will send Puss in Boots on his grandest quest yet.
* Antonio Banderas – Puss
* Selma Hayak – Kitty Softpaws
* Florence Pugh – Goldilocks
* Olivia Colman
* Wagner Moura
* Ray Winstone
* John Mulaney
* Da’Vine Joy Randolph
* Harvey Guillén
* Anthony Mendez
* Samson Kayo
Can’t wait for this.
Love the first one.
I saw the trailer for it when I went to see Bob’s Burgers. It’s the second worst trailer I’ve seen in theaters in the last ten years. The other one was for the Downton Abbey 2 movie.
Goldilocks looks like a bad bitch
wowow i love to see this movie with the grandkids Pussy in Boats
Here’s to Antonio Banderas getting another paycheck.
Cheers, clunk.
They better not kill him off.
Unreasonably excited for this.
Hope they score big on this film. It’s been a decade since DreamWorks released a movie in the Shrek universe
Hell yeah
Is Geralt of Rivia in this?
I do wish they came up with a better name but I’m still hyped for this.
You never really notice how ridiculously huge the brim of Puss’s hat is unless you see it in contrast.
Are those the same 3 bears that show up in the first [Shrek movie](https://screenrant.com/shrek-dark-twist-three-bears-mummy-bear-rug/)?
There better be a shrek 5 post credits scene