I stand outside with a tray of pigs in a blanket at every summer BBQ and when people come up to me I make them hold their hands out communion style. Then, I say “the cock of Christ” and wait for their “amen” in response before placing the small wiener in their hands.
Holy Baloney Jesus!
Also recommend not touching the aioli; don’t need another immaculate conception on our hands.
I stand outside with a tray of pigs in a blanket at every summer BBQ and when people come up to me I make them hold their hands out communion style. Then, I say “the cock of Christ” and wait for their “amen” in response before placing the small wiener in their hands.
Don’t even talk about the mayo.
It’s funnier without the fourth frame.
So funny and brave. Now do one with muhammad.
So the last supper, and Jesus says, “This is my blood you drink”, and then he says, “This is my body you eat.”
And Judas says, “sit down, Chris; you’re drunk.”
Did they even had a concept of a sausage back then?