Wednesday, February 19All That Matters

Barry’s season 3 is incredible. My favorite scene: Barry comforts Sally


  • It’s funny because it somehow is both evil and really sweet at the same time. Most shows couldn’t pull this off without it seeming too much in one direction, the tone of the show gets this just right in the middle. He’s so genuine and wanting to help her but saying such horrible things.

  • The 6th episode is one of the best I’ve seen in a show this year. You can tell Hader plays GTA, it was shot in a way that genuinely looks like you’re playing the game. He’s a fantastic director and I can’t wait to see what he has next after Barry.

  • The show is funny, but also shows Barry’s struggle pretty well. He’s trying to take Noho Hank’s advice to be more himself here.

    And I really like Sally’s reaction. Too many times in shows like this, people see so many obvious read flags, and just go along with it. She appropriately nopes out.

  • I’m still really enjoying the comedy, and storywise the Sally and Gene stuff… but the Barry and Sally relationship bits not as much. As great as this scene is in a vacuum, it’s still weirdly out of character for him to be *this* clueless. Unless it’s a way for him to subtly threaten Sally, like “If I can do this to her, what’s to say I can’t do it to you?” sorta thing, but then his bewildered reaction to her getting upset kinda undercuts that possibility. The show is about abuse, but I feel like they’re showing their hand a bit too much here, which is unfortunate because I’ve been really enjoying the whole “hurt people hurt people” aspect of the show, I just wish it was keeping it a little more subtle, or at least in line with the character we’ve gotten to know over the last couple of seasons.

  • I love how right before this Hank is advising telling Barry to tell Sally who he really is inside and he puts together this insane little collage (which I thought was going to be the joke) then he sits down and says this LOL

  • I honestly feel like season 3 is very weak compared to the other two seasons.

    I think they lost where they were going during the pandemic – maybe lost a writer or two.

  • This season has been great. If you’re someone who prefers comedy to drama, you’ll probably think this season is the worst. If you’re someone who prefers drama to comedy, such as me, you’ll love this season and may even think that it’s the best yet.

  • So I might be wrong here, but here’s my take on what’s coming:
    Sally is going to embrace the darkness – as symbolized by the encroaching blackness while her agent dropped her. She’s going to get more unhinged, and may even attempt to take Barry up on his offer.

    Barry on the other hand, has, in essence, just been “redeemed”. He’s still quite guilty of many MANY murders and is ultimately irredeemable. The symbolism of his kills waiting to cross over with him on the beach was almost to fruition, but then the one man who he had actually not wronged took his own life, in essence trading his own soul for Barry’s, even unwittingly. I think we’re going to see Barry try to make things “right”, and I think it’s going to hinge on his (now FBI agent) buddy. No more murder for hire, now murder for Government.

  • Honestly surprised that so many people thought this scene was “hilarious” – this was one of those “oh man, no” heart sinking feeling scenes for me. A lot of Barry’s humor is kind of silly which oddly works alongside the legit, heavy drama stuff but this scene felt closer to being the latter. Excellent show

  • “Sounds like you were successful. Is there anything else I can help you with today?”

    “He killed himself?”
    “Was he depressed?”

    Those scenes slayed me.

  • ^(Season 3 has been the best so far. I clap multiple times an episode like a loser lol. Think it was episode 6 with the motorbike chase. That was amazing. Especially after the Shitty Kenobi chase scenes.)

  • Scenes like this are what keep me going in this show even though I sometimes don’t really want to.

    A fair amount of Barry’s behavior doesn’t ring true to me because he’s so competent in some situations, but then completely falls apart in others. I get the whole “He’s an amazing assassin, but he can’t do normal people things!” angle, but it’s sometimes so stark that it comes across to me more as plot convenience than a real, whole character. I can believe him having trouble with relating to normal people (especially on an emotional level), but why does he suck at logistics (outside of the bouts of depression)?

    But then I watch scenes like this one and “Why’d you just say that?” and the end of his monastery rampage, and I’m all back in. I think the arc with Barry trying to “make things right” with Mr. Cousineau might be my favorite one of the entire series: Barry is consistently himself, and it’s funny and sad and terrifying all rolled into one. And the darkest and saddest part is *it worked*.

  • Bruh this is just what Amelie does in her movie. Its a French film about a girl that has trouble connecting to people. She does this to a shop owner because he’s a huge dick. He gets pretty fucked up mentally.

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