– makes at *least* $176,892/year (and that’s to break even).
– lives in mom’s basement
Edit, yeah my math was dumb and the math assumes they’re gonna get a Galactic Battlecruisr and 9 fillings each month, but I think it’s safe to assume they’re spending money on *something* each month and that there will be surprise expenses.
G-Fuel, Mountain dew and the dentist ….
Is there a pattern here 😉
Shit got too real. I’ll have to download it now
– makes at *least* $176,892/year (and that’s to break even).
– lives in mom’s basement
Edit, yeah my math was dumb and the math assumes they’re gonna get a Galactic Battlecruisr and 9 fillings each month, but I think it’s safe to assume they’re spending money on *something* each month and that there will be surprise expenses.
People really underestimate the sheer power of the spreadsheet. I couldn’t care less about your fancy-pancy graphs Truebill.
EDIT: Also, why would anyone trust someone to manage their money when they cannot spell “management”.
My wife had a friend who would pay someone to talk to her geckos and tell her what they needed and wanted. They all died.
I think this month here is more than I made all of last year…
How much G-Fuel is this guy drinking, and why isn’t he using code ACE to save 10-30%?
Its like they want to offend people so they won’t try the product. Weird.
Ok… So who’s living in their mom’s basement with $15,000+ in monthly expenses?
As someone who buys G-Fuel, That’s *A lot* of fuckin G-Fuel