Resident Evil | Official Trailer | Netflix
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Resident Evil | Official Trailer | Netflix
View Reddit by indig0sixalpha – View Source
This doesn’t look too bad.
Why is it that Resident Evil seems to be the only video game property that studios want to make, only for all of them to be really bad lol.
I would really love it if they handed this IP to a good horror filmmaker to bring to its roots.
Looks like it’s leaning into the campiness of the games at least a bit, which would be a good thing.
this honestly looks better than expected. But why are studios so unwilling to adapt the actual games?
This looks great, I’ll watch it for sure.
how many resident evil shows does netflix have? and why did they turned it into generic zombie flick?
I like the effects.
Can we get one faithful adaptation please?
At least Welcome to Raccoon City was somewhat true to the source material…
Seems interesting. But since it’s a Netflix show, let’s spin the cancellation wheel!
a) Cancelled despite being very popular with no apparent reason;
b) Cancelled because the show look like shit after season 1 due to budget cuts;
c) Cancelled because Netflix decided to release three more zombie shows while this was still running;
d) Cancelled because it’s not another Stranger Things;
e) A board member’s child didn’t like it.
*BONUS: It ends on a cliffhanger.
Not a single identifiable actor. Always a good sign 🙄
Not familiar with the games, just the movies, and this looks pretty damn good.
This honestly looks like a good time. Not some thought-provoking masterpiece, but a fun show to relax with after a long day. I’m reasonably excited.
I didn’t know this had Lance Reddick. He finally got his ICONIC ZOMBIE ROLE
Are we finally actually getting a Tyrant???
It looks like it’s sorta based off game continuity to some degree? It sounds like the stuff in the 90s with Raccoon City happened, and present day Umbrella is trying to re-establish itself. Still doesn’t match game canon perfectly though, as Umbrella in the game works with the BSAA now to help eliminate bioweapon threats.
This honestly look so good. I love everything zombie so im gonna watch this regardless of its accurate to the games. And all the zombies and creatures look so cool
Come to r/ResidentEvilSeries!
Since they said this is related to the games story, I’m going to guess this Wesker is a clone made as a contingency plan or something.
Not really interested in the 2036 storyline, however. Resident Evil works best when the world isn’t actually destroyed and any bioterrorism attacks are contained.
One of these bitches better be the master of unlocking.
July 14th for those who don’t want to watch the trailer.
Damn, that looks really good, much better than the first trailer.
I might get a lot of flak for this, but as of now, the only adaptation of resident evil that was decent was the first Paul WS anderson resident evil movie. It had everything an actual resident evil game had:
– Feeling you are trapped in a zone full of monster
– Creepy atmosphere
– Actual slow scary zombie(resident evil series might have the only scary zombie in the world)
– Corny cheesy plot
The other movie sucked yes but I think the first one still holds up pretty well. People should really take inspiration from the first movie instead of just doing a zombie movie and slapping resident evil name on it
What the fuck are they doing with this series? The newer games are nowhere near as bombastic as this “world ending” stakes crap.
Fuckin’ bring it down, we don’t need 20 different characters, just set it as Ethan Winters fighting some hillbillies in the swamp or you know… just a fucking mansion or something.
What’s with the new Netflix intro?
The world of Resident Evil seems great for TV, a world where zombie outbreaks and bio terrorism is a part of life could be an interesting twist on procedurals. But instead we get this.
Good to see Agent Broyles back at work.
So looks like this is some alternate timeline shit that takes place after RE3 but before the BSAA was established?
I’ll watch it as much as I did Cowboy BeBop.
I like Reddick. Is Wesker not the bad guy anymore?
Hahahahaha… I can’t believe that Resident Evil is cribbing notes from Z-Nation.
The city they live in has that Zona aesthetic, just without any of that Z-Nation fun.
I’m just gonna watch this and enjoy it and expect it has nothing to do with the games.