Epic Scenes at the Etihad as Manchester City comeback from 2-0 to beat Aston Villa and clinch the Premier League title for 20/21 season
Epic Scenes at the Etihad as Manchester City comeback from 2-0 to beat Aston Villa and clinch the Premier League title for 20/21 season from sports
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21/22 season*
This whole pitch invasion fad needs to be stamped out.
I think an immediate 2 point deduction for city would help
City winning titles shows us ther Sportswashing worths it. Fuck…
What an incredible underdog story!!
Crazy moment
Plastic club, literally no one cares…
All the money and just barely wins…
Fuck this team.
Epic scenes? The same clubs win literally every year. Manchester City beat Aston Villa? Holy shit no way, that’s SUCH an underdog story.
Thought for a second he was gonna choke it, can’t lie.
Dirty oil money wins the day