After United Airlines refused to pay for his broken guitar Dave released a complaint diss track which caused the Airline’s stock to go down 10% and lost about 180 million.
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After United Airlines refused to pay for his broken guitar Dave released a complaint diss track which caused the Airline’s stock to go down 10% and lost about 180 million.
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If he was smart he shorted the stock before he put out the diss track
Also hi /r/wallstreetbets
Dave who?
His little songs did not have any effect on the stock price. This is utter bullshit.
I’m sure that’s not fucking possible….
You would have to be completely fucking clueless to find this claim believable.
2009, during the large economic recession where no one could afford to travel anywhere?
e: People don’t choose united because they love their customer service. They do it because airline companies are monopolies and there’s no choice.
Source for stock drop?
Pretty sure this was already disproven last time this was reposted
Are people really stupid enough to believe stuff like this?
Idk if op is correct, but for all you zoomers this was EVERYWHERE, it was on tv, one of the first ‘viral videos’ I still know the melody having not seen it in 15 years.
This song was released in the middle of a massive recession and United was already struggling at the time. Correlation is not causation, the video did **not** cause the stock to drop.
Who the fuck is Dave?
What’s with the sombreros and moustaches?
“Dave”? I mean I’d have to go through a lot of Dave’s before I got to this. Pretty sure he’s not moving markets.
I still won’t fly United.
From June 19, 2009 thru July 29, 2009 the price of the stock stayed in the $3 range. By August 14, 2009(37 days after the video), it had almost doubled in value, to $6.38.
The day the video was released, July 6, 2009, the stock closed at $3.34
The lowest it got was on July 9, when it closed at $3.18
Within 9 days of the videos release, July 15, the stock closed at $3.47 and never dropped below the closing price on the day the video dropped.
I’d love to see how other airline stocks fared during this same period.
This title reminds me of the conservatives bragging about Disney stock price dropping after DeSantis started to throw his temper tantrum while ignoring the stock’s been on a slide for over six months now.
That’s stupid. A little song by an unknown musician did not cause their stock to drop 10%.
The amount of upvotes shit like this gets explains to me why people like Marco’s in the Philippines can get elected. The majority of people are just fucking stupid.
Amtrak broke a bunch of our stuff, right in front of us. They never paid for it. They kept claiming they never got the paperwork.
Stock goes down….
Someone farted!!!
Omg!! Farting makes stock drop!!!
Complete bullshit.
Apple went down 10% last week, losing $238 billion. It’s because I complained about the Apple Store on Yelp.
It’s ALWAYS fucking United.
A friend of mine was returning from Ethiopia with an adopted baby (about 20 hours) they overbooked and pick her to get kicked off on the last connecting flight to Portland ME. sleep deprived, covered in baby puke. For whatever reason, none of the other 50 passengers met the criteria to kick off the flight.
Whenever i see one of these stories “airline does something completely fucked up” It’s ALWAYS united.
Ok we get it, the post title is false. But it’s still a fun little song and it’s impressive how much attention it got
If the stock goes down that’s not the company which lose money but the shareholders.
How does this 1 song result in the stocks going down 10%? There must be other factors too, not just 1 guitar song. Great song but not that great!
Tell me you don’t understand the stock market….
> …Dave released a complaint diss track … and lost about 180 million
Poor Dave.
That’s not how stocks work.